Volunteer Tomato & Pumpkin Plants Growing July 7, 2013

While mowing near our gardens my son and I noticed some volunteer Tomato and Pumpkin plants growing in a large compost pile of chicken manure. Check it out! …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by Project : Nyu~ Magpie.: Tips on growing tomatoes – have just germinated, they are a little lanky?
I’d like some tips on how to grow my tomatoes, at the moment they are out of direct sunlight but are still are in a lit room. They have all sprouted but a few of them are quite stringy.
Regards in advance

Best answer:

Answer by meanolmaw
put them back where the sunlight is…. ‘bright’ won’t do…. they must have a full day of sunlight…. or a grow light over them in place of the sun…. lanky means they are stretching to try to get more light…..

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  1. Thanks Resa. That’s right 100% Carolina pumpkin plant..:) Thanks…

  2. That’s a pure 100% Carolina pumpkin plant right there… :) purtty tomatoes to! nice video

  3. Thanks.. I think so to!

  4. Those are some good looking volunteers. I agree, many times it seems like Mother Nature is a much better gardener.

  5. That’s a bunch of rain Rick. We are entering our summer drought here in Arkansas. Grass is turning tan. Those ten Cherokee Purple seeds have popped on up, so fare 9 of 10, from a tomato that I grew this season too. I’m amazed. 90 percent is an A in any book.

  6. Thanks. I agree. mother Nature appears to do a much better job than we do! Hope your Cherokee Purple’s turn out well. I have about 4 or 5 of them growing, but am afraid they may drown. We have had about 12″ of rain this growing season and it’s not letting up….Cheers

  7. Rick, enjoyed the video and the volunteers. Those should be some tasty tomatoes. I just planted some seed: Cherokee Purple, just fooling around really but checking viability of the seed, three out of ten so far popped up. I harvested seed from one nice half pound tomato and it had 275 seeds in it. Like you said mother nature is good at what it’s programmed to do: GROW, be fruitful, and multiply. Cheers!

  8. Thanks Chuck. I have had volunteer’s before in the garden. These growing off somewhere different surprised me. I still can’t believe those tomatoes are growing in pure chicken manure. looks like it would burn them up.
    Maybe the 10″ of rain diluted it…LOL….

  9. I love free food just popping up with out any of my sweat involved. I hope that they produce a bunch of tomaters and pumpkins for you Rick!

  10. I find a good way to grow them is actually upside down! Use a large Coke or Pepsi bottle and drop a tomato plant in the bottom (you’ll have to wait on yours a bit, they need to have about 6-8 leaves on and be about 6″ long) then fill the bottle with compost or mulch and water. Use a piece of rope to support it. You can plant a couple of bean plants in the top – this gives a boost of Nitrogen to the soil, just what tomatoes like. Hang it outside, upside down from a plant support or similar and feed it regularly. This way, the roots go upwards to the top and get warmth from the sun, while the tomatoes hang down and multiply. Buy small cherry toms or similar, the smaller the better taste, I reckon!

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