6 ft tall indoor grown tomato plants

This is a video of my 6ft tall indoor grown tomato plants.
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Question by momofone: Tomato plants starting to die, why?
I bought my tomato plants at the greenhouse and transplanted them about a week ago. They feel very dry and are starting to turn yellow. We’ve been watering them every day and it’s rained alot the past couple days.THe tomato plants are in full sunlight, no shade at all. What’s wrong? Is there something missing in the soil? We live in maine so it’s not too hot yet, only about 60-70 degrees, but we always plant our tomatoes this time of year.

Best answer:

Answer by *Krazy cooquie*(ttc Baby #4)
maybe the bugs are eating them,buy the green bug spray to keep them off your tomatoes

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Did it spawn tomatoes?

  2. Tomatoes are self pollinating…

  3. i had some regular fluorescent lights on the until they were about a foot and then i moved them in front of the glass patio door

  4. ur probably feedin them too much water and its best to feed the at nite when its cooler

  5. Did you get yellow paint to close to them??
    jk 2 points!!!! Water them at night or else they will be shocked by the sudden temperature change. Break off the brown leaves because they just parasite off of the rest of the healthy plant. Yellow sounds like over-watering so pay attention to how much you water them.

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