(8.20) Macaroni and Tomato Juice!

i love love love this stuff. simple to make and really tasty. hope you guys are enjoying Food Network: Thatsprettygay Edition. p channel: http://www.youtube….
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Question by libranmoonlover: How do I get rid of and prevent new dead patches in my grass from dog urine?
My dog peed on the lawn and now there is a dead patch. What can I do to, first of all, prevent the dead patches and, second, to repair them? I’ve heard that feeding the dog small amounts of tomato juice or paste helps, as well as baking soda in the water or food, to neutralize the pH of the urine. Is any of this valid?

Best answer:

Answer by Molly
How about getting rid of the dog?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Juice Articles


  1. Lol this is awesome! I thought I was the only one in the world that enjoyed this so much! This video and the comments shows me I’m not alone! Cheers everyone! :)

  2. actually it does, it makes it taste like wannabe ghetto spaghetti and thats not what this is

  3. Bro, drain the pasta before you add the butter, then add tons of parmesean mix it up then add tomato juice, you want the macaroni to be al dente, butter is the key, so adding it to the water its just going to wash away. butter and water doesnt mix

  4. LOL, ya, so did mine

  5. very true

  6. everyone thinks their grandmother invented this

  7. I make this alllll the time. It’s pretty much the easiest thing to cook and the only thing I can make besides sauerkraut. Tastes so good.

  8. My family makes this too I make it at least once a week but I use tomotato sauce I didnt think anyone else besides my family did this

  9. I eat it all the time, and when I tell people about it they say “You mean cheese?” Lol! A few of my friends tried it and loved it. One of my friends even asked her mom to make it 😀

  10. I eat that all the time xD ! I love it. …My friends don’t believe me it tastes really good:P

  11. Heh yeah my family started making Macaroni and Tomato juice over 50 years ago. Oh yeah by the way it tastes the best with Macaroni SHELLS, not the original ones.

  12. Macaroni & Tomatoe juice is a recipe with my family too. i love it and we use macaroni, spahgetti etc. my friends think its gross, so its good to know other people enjoy it

  13. ik its a family recipe of mine 2

  14. have the same but instead of tom juice i have tin chopped toms and paresan cheese on top mmm mm mmmm

  15. try it with v8 juice its good to

  16. lol hes like this is my favorite thing to eat since i was little! …okay everyone how do i make it

  17. gay it is , i agree with the channel name .

  18. Salt water prior to boiling and then you wont have to add any later. Noodles should be warm enough to warm juice. No need to cook any further unless thicker sauce is desidered. Just add pepper to taste, noodles should be aldente. If spelling is of sue me. Good job keep it up… The cooking that is….

  19. All it is is goulosh without the meat. Been
    around before most of us were born.

  20. it’s like Chef Crotch-Shot. nice. and that loks good. i like V8 more then tomatoe juice, plain tomatoe juice is too acidic for me, hurts my teeth. but V8 would be great. and you made a very tasty looking dip on your personal channel a while ago, like a mexican dip thing i think.

  21. You don’t cook?
    Tomatoe ‘Juice’:Sauce.
    OMG a gay boy who doesn’t cook!
    I thought we all knew how to cook and decorate.
    Oh well, at least you won’t starve.

  22. so its like home-made sphagetti hoops, but with macaroni lol.

  23. hated it at first cuz i made it post my location but now it’s great! lol.

  24. you put a rubber band around his pepe thing, then let grass grow back.

  25. The grass death is not a pH thing. It’s a nitrogen thing. Dog pee, people pee is urea which contains a great deal of nitrogen. The burn is actually “fertilizer” burn, as if you had dropped a pot full of fertilizer in one spot. The neutralizer is water……….it doesn’t neutralizer, it dilutes. People will be glad to sell you all sorts of cures, mix this in water and magically the problem is solved. It’s the water, not the “stuff”. As for feeding your dog some magic preventative, nope. The cure there would be to put him on a vegan diet because the protein is where the nitrogen comes from. People who try to neutralize don’t understand why it’s happening.

    So, begin by designating an area where the dog will pee. He leaves the house, goes to this pee area and doesn is duty. Then he is released from the spot to either return inside or to go to his play area. The pee area should be kept well watered. Good chance it will not have grass, more likely a bark or other nongrowing groundcover.

    Now as for the spots that are dead…….flood them to dilute the pee. Lawns will grow over the dead spot, but you can hurry it by either sodding the damaged areas or seeding them.

    I have an old pasture type grass called K-31. It’s coarse, not great for walking bare foot, but the dogs can’t kill it during the growing season. Winter pee damage, yes, but it quickly fills in after a few weeks growth season.

  26. The dead grass is due to an excessive concentration of salt and urea. You may notice that the grass on the edge grows more robustly since urea is an excellent nitrogen source (what most grass fertilizer is). There are two solutions – train your dog to pee in a garden bed / mulched area or water the spot where he pees right after he does it. That will dilute it out.
    To repair them – water the spot well, dig up the dead grass with a hard rake, then reseed. Having a bag of lawn patch ( a mix of seed, fertilizer and mulch – http://www.idealtruevalue.com/servlet/the-60983/Detail ) would be a good idea.


  27. Dog urine causes dead patches and lawn burn due to the high levels of nitrogen that is released into the lawn through the urine. Every dog owner who has a yard will be familiar with this.

    Nitrogen is actually a lawn-growth stimulant that encourages lawn growth when properly applied as a fertilizer. The problem presented with dog urine is that since most dogs urinate in one spot, then will introduce large amounts of liquid nitrogen (urine) to that spot thereby causing a burning reaction and even a dead-spot in the lawn. Often the effected spot will show vigorous grass growth around the spot due to the nitrogen levels that stimulate growth around the edges. Since larger dogs usually produce larger amounts of urine, there is a direct correlation between the size of your dog and the changes of developing lawn burn and dead spots in your lawn through urination.

    The best way to help prevent urine burns and dead spots is to saturate the spots with water. This will allow the excess nitrogen to leach or dilute through the lawn and reducing the concentration in one area. It is usually best to treat the areas up to 9 hours after urination and to apply at least three-time the amount of water to urine to the area. Dead spots can also be reseeded. Most lawn grasses will eventually repair itself to cover the dead areas.

    Among the many reputed cures for dead-spots from dog urine are also to apply sugar to the affected areas, with the thinking that this somehow balances out the nitrogen overkill. If you have old unfinished bottles of soda this can be liberally applied to these areas, or apply a handful of corn syrup. This particular remedy is often reported to work!

  28. After dealing with this issue with many of customers for years, I will share my solution.

    The only way to prevent damage to lawn from urine is to IMMEDIATELY (within 5 minutes) flush area with several gallons of water, depending on the size of the urine puddle. Local soil/drainage conditions may also aggravate/alleviate this problem somewhat: sandy soil will transmit moisture distributing urine over a wider area making it less of a problem where loamy soil will worsen problem by absorbing urine making it more a problem…

    Changing your dog’s diet will only marginally affect the amount of urea present in urine. Urine will still cause damage.

    The amount of urea present in urine will vary so there is no way to accurately determine or control how much urea (nitrogen) has been released into soil. This is why you may see a bright green “ring” around a urine spot: the amount of nitrogen in these areas was just the right amount to cause grass to grow rapidly rather than kill it. Urine contains a liquid form of nitrogen (urea) which will rapidly afftect your grass (as opposed to granular fertilizer which releases Nitrogen more slowly into soil) THIS IS WHY YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY WHEN YOU SEE YOUR DOG (OR SOMEONE ELSES) URINATE ON YOUR LAWN.

    Once lawn turns brown, it is too late: there is no way to reverse the effects other than to:

    1) Let surrounding grass spread into affected area. This may take several weeks depending on weather conditions, soil type and grass species. If you core aerate your lawn this will encourage root development causing grass to spread more rapidly.

    2) Dig up affected area to at least 4″ deep, apply new topsoil & reseed area with a fast germinating mix (perennial rye & tall fescue- if you have mostly cool season grass). This is the best soultion, but you will have to keep area moist during germination, and weather conditions must be favorable– warm and sunny.
    Note also there is no type of grass species that is impervious to dog urine other than Astroturf!!!

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