A Cooking Show: Tomato Soup

I had such a wonderful time filming with some of the funniest guys I know and my friends; Langston Belton, Nick Carillo, and Devin Heater. These three are th…
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Question by ZettersGirl: need a recipe to make spaghetti sauce using tomato soup?
I have 2 cans of soup and some spices…is it possible to make it taste more like spaghetti sauce?

Best answer:

Answer by Eagle Eye
it wont be the same that’s for sure but if you need to improvise ,do this in a pan add a little olive oil and some chopped onion fry the onion until translucent and add the soup ,to this you will add some water and spices like oregano and basil bring to a rolling boil and lower the heat . In another pot add a little butter and melt it turn the heat to very low and add 11/2 tbs of flour stir until you have mixed well at this point add the tomato soup and stir until thickened and your sauce is ready.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Tomato Soup Recipe Articles


  1. I’ve been waiting for this one!!! Devin = hilarious. Nick is looking really
    fly with that haircut. Rebecca, I’m obsessed with your songs. I want to
    know how you make them. We should hang and chat. Oh yeah….Classic

  2. Great writing! This was funny.

  3. Chances are that the soup is watery, so before adding your soup, mince a few garlic cloves, half an onion, chopped small.

    1. Cook garlic and onion in a pot, until the onion carmelizes (brown), and or you can smell the aroma coming out of the pot.

    2. Add your canned soup, bring it to a boil (full heat), then to a simmer.

    3. The magic word is ‘reduction’ basically, you are evaporating the liquid to make it thicker. Scrape the thick part around your pot, to make it thicker.

    4. Spices: oregano and dried basil leaves are good.

    5: misc: be liberal about throwing in a couple vegetables like celery and mushroom inside, it gives the sauce more flavor.

    6. Season: salt and pepper to taste until you find a taste that is good for you.

    I know its not really a recipe, but the step by step helps you to get a better idea on making a sauce.

    Edit: I forgot to mention to add olive oil

  4. I wouldn’t recommend it. Tomato soup is artificially sweetened and the natural acid is toned down to make it taste that way… it doesn’t translate well to a pasta sauce, unless you really like Spaghettios.
    Sorry. You are better off going to the store and getting the real stuff.

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