Baby Issak eating his first cherry tomato

Baby Issak eating his first cherry tomato.

Question by Nicole: Can guinea pigs eat cucumbers and/or tomatoes?
My mom picked this HUGE cucumber from her garden and I was wondering if I could feed some of it to my 2 guinea pigs, Oreo and Resse. Also she always has a bucnh of little cherry tomatoes, can I feed that to them too?

Best answer:

Answer by Rose
Yes…just make sure they are washed really well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Yes you can feed them cucumbers and tomatoes but they need to be washed well.
    Don’t peel the cucumbers because the green stuff is good for them and they love it!

  2. Yes guinea pigs can eat cucumber every once in awhile. And yes tomatoes are good too! just clean anything you feed them really well! my guinea pig doesnt like tomatoes or cucumber. She took one smell and turned her head. lol!

  3. Yes, if you wash them, you can feed cucumbers and tomatos to the guinea pigs. But in general, there are vegetables and fruits far better for their health, because guniea pigs must have a high calcium/low phosphorus ratio in their fresh foods to keep from getting ill. The higher the calcium and the lower the phosphorus, the better the food. Here is a chart to use as a guide:

  4. ya but u have 2 wash it b4 u give it 2 them

  5. Yes you can. Cucumbers are loved by most guinea pigs. One slice, include the outer layer which is their favourite part. Given every other day. Cucumber is really appreciated by guinea pigs in hot weather, it acts as a liquid and is nice and cool. And as for tomatoes, one cherry tomato or small plum tomato, twice weekly. Remember to remove the poisonous tomato top ( green part ) If using a slice from a larger tomato, remove seeds. But if they are from your moms garden, make sure they are washed really well before giving them to your guinea pigs.

  6. You can feed each of then 1-2 cherry tomatoes every day. You can feed them cucumber 2-4 times a week.
    Here’s a chart of all the veggies guinea pigs can eat.

  7. The cucumbers are just fine as long as you do not over feed them, keep with in the 1/2 to 1 cup a day of veggies as they can get diarrhea if over fed veggies like cucumbers. As far as the tomatoes you do not want to give the every day as they have to high of an acid count and they can cause your guinea pig to get sores in its mouth.

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