Baxter’s Bush Cherry Tomato: The Ultimate Cherry Container Tomato

Baxter's Bush Cherry Tomato: The Ultimate Cherry Container Tomato

This is an outstanding open pollinated (not a hybrid) determinate cherry tomato that tastes great and produces well. It is perfect for containers because the…

Question by Jennifer: How much water does a cherry tomato plant need?
How much water does a cherry tomato plant need and how often do you need to water it?

Best answer:

Answer by KimLee B
if it is in the ground water it as any plant in the garden. when soil is dry 1 inch below the surface water it. if it is in a pot keep the soil moist but not muddy. to much water is just as bad as not enough

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BHN-968 cherry tomato has been named a Texas Superstar for 2013
The BHN-968 cherry tomato is the most naturally disease-resistant cherry tomato ever sold in Texas, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service horticulturist. New Texas Superstar cherry tomato judged four times sweeter than others …
Read more on Liberty Vindicator


  1. That, of course, depends on the area where you are living… the heat… hunidity, etc. But If I was to plant ONE Cherry Tomato plant, I would be sure that it had 2 cups of water a day.. enough to get to the VERY base of the root

  2. If it’s in a flower pot, I would give it about a pint of water or so, twice a week. If it’s planted in the ground, somewhat more.

  3. Keep the soil moist, but not wet, and your plant should do fine.

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