Best Compact Tomato to Grow in a Container on Your Patio

John from shares with you just one of the tomato varieties he is growing this year. In this episode you will learn about a …

Question by The Shark: Is it okay if I planted my cherry tomato plants about 13 inches apart?
I just put them in the ground a few hours ago; please tell me I didn’t just make a huge mistake. I believe they are patio cherry tomatoes. Somebody help please!
I forgot to mention that I am planting 4 of these plants in a row all with about the same 13 or 14 inches apart.

Best answer:

Answer by KA
That’s pretty close together, read the directions that came with them

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roast cherry tomatoes
Cherry Tomato
Image by saragoldsmith
Here are the roasted cherry tomatoes and garlic. (it’s only for me, because Rob went to Madrid for a conference this morning, so there isn’t that much).

More Cherry Tomato Articles


  1. 12″ is about average for tomato plants. However, I am unfamiliar with the size of a cherry tomato plant. If it is a “large” plant, 13″ should be just fine.

  2. yes they are a bit close, if you take really good care of it, they’ll make it but being that close they use up all the nutrients in a smaller area and run out quickly

  3. They can get pretty bushy and you’ll end up with a solid hedge of tomato plants. I think they should be more like 3 feet apart. This allows you to access the tomatoes from all sides of the plants, instead of having to reach all the way through from one side.

  4. No, my plants grow to 5 or 6 feet tall and are huge, you need to plant them 3 to 5 feet apart or you will have the biggest mess you ever saw, IF THEY GROW… they have huge root systems and could ‘kill each other” by roots binding and choking each other.

  5. not a problem if your tight for room. just make sure you stake them or gage them to control them from crowding each other.i like to place mine 2/ 2.5 feet apart.and i run a double trellis line down the middle to tie them off to.i have even planted them in 5gal buckets .one plant to a bucket and they did very well.that’s when i lived in an apartment and had a small terrace on the 6th i have lots of room since i moved to the mountains in P.A i have 5 acres to play in.

  6. They will be fine.

  7. I think that’s a bit close. But, you didn’t tell us whether you put out six plant or 60. If you just put out a few plants and there’s nothing else growing close to them, you’ll probably get by with that. You are probably going to need some cages to support them later on.

    If they are really “patio” type tomatoes you’ll be okay. They are meant to be grown in containers and small spaces. If they are large plants, I hope you love tomatoes and have lots of friends.

  8. That’s a little too close, but if they’re patio plants, they’ll be fine. I once had a patio tomato plant in a little 1-foot diameter pot, and it seemed happy enough :)

  9. Just as everyone else said that is a bit close. But if you have to go that close because you don’t have much room than you will be able to get away with it. If you see them starting to get out of control you can prune them to a managable size, and everything will be fine. They will use more nutrients but don’t double up on them feed them according to direction but you may just need to feed them more.

  10. That is a bit to close. Tomato plants need to be about 24 to 30 inches apart.

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