Blendtec blender makes tomato cheese soup

Our new Blendtec Blender makes us some tomato cheese soup.
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  1. Oh, I see I already replied to you’re comment. But because of the replies you got that were nastier than yours (that have since been deleted), I thought I ought to quote the manual.

  2. Quoting the Blendtec instructions: “When blending hot liquids remove the centerpiece of the lid. Failure to remove the ‘steam cap’ may cause the lid to pop off during processing.”

    Beverly, do you have any friends? I’m guessing not.

  3. With the older versions of the Blendtec you have to remove the cap or else you will blow the lid off and possibly injuring the operator. The new versions of the Blendtec have a ventilated cap designed to release the pressure inside the carafe.

  4. yes, you can use cold water. you may have to hit the soup button twice.  Still faster than vitamix. We just use hot water from the tap. If you eat it right away, which is the intent on making it fresh, it is good and hot and delicious.

  5. Thanks for the input, Beverly Bore! I trust you hit that little thumbs down button.

  6. why the frick did you remove the cap? i’ve seen this demo at costco and NOBODY has EVER said to remove the cap?? idiot

  7. its not plastic

  8. he acts as if he is afraid of the blendtec blender. he jumps away almost evrytime he turns it on

  9. You know kevlar is a plastic material right.. not all plastics are made the same? The blendtec jar EASILY handles the heat..

  10. Thats BS… starting with fresh ingredients to make hot tomato soup ON THE VITAMIX website calls for 5 minutes blending time to get hot.. The Blendtec has the ingredients blended just as quickly as the vitamix ( i have used both), it just takes longer for both to heat it up.. You obviously have never made soup..

  11. Yes, it just takes more time.. anything you blend for long in the Blendtec or the vitamix on a high cycle will get hot..

  12. this is taking so long with the vitamix it only takes 30 secs…

  13. yay!! soup!!

  14. Why did u remove the cover when you do not need to? Ridiculous!

  15. This video shows the only time I’ve made soup in the blender. I was trying out different ways of using the machine. I’d think mixing soup in the blender then heating in a microwave or on the stove should work just fine, but I haven’t done it myself.

  16. can I blend it with cold water and heat up afterwards?

  17. @jackette55, EXACTLY! What some people prove is that they are so stupid, they can jump out of a boat and not hit water. There are some people that simply should not be allowed to operate any machinery of any kind.

  18. @CoolasIce2, I don’t have a jar that is “New and Improved”. I have the 96oz jar that comes with the Blendtec Total Blender. You are either commenting on something you don’t have, or simply don’t know what you are talking about.

  19. Steam cap?
    It’s not a chimney,…it’s hole for adding ingredients while it’s blending.

  20. So true. You don’t even need to put it in the dishwasher (in fact it stays in better condition if you NEVER do… top or bottom rack).
    Right after you use it, you just put a couple cups of hot tap water with a drop of soap in it and let it blend for a minute or so. And presto… a crystal clear, bullet proof jar.

  21. true. would be nice if they made the container a stainless steel

  22. I have made this soup with my Blendtec and it is AWESOME!

  23. @CoolasIce2, you stuck your jar in the dishwasher on the bottom rack (which Blendtec tells you NOT to do). You also probably put the cycle on “dry” heat. Too bad you cannot follow instructions. When used correctly, Blendtec jars do NOT leak. Also, they have a LIFETIME warranty on the blade / coupling assembly, which is the only place where a leak would even be remotely possible.

  24. @CoolasIce2, You keep posting on different Blendtec videos about Blendtec jars leaking, as to assert that they leak, when you have schooled on this subject many times before that it is VITAMIX jars that leak!

  25. Were you praying for a tomato cheese soup?

    That would be a cool religion!

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