Brilliant Texas Cops Thought Tomato Plants Looked Like Marijuana Plants

Apparently some Texas cops have visions of row after row of marijuana plants dancing in their heads once they see what are actual tomato plants on a farm com…
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Question by s_fol: How much should I be watering my tomato plant?
I have a potted tomato plant on my balcony. It gets plenty of sun and I’ve been using Miracle-Gro Tomato to give it nutrients. Lately, the leaves have been yellowing and turning brown. I think it may be from over or under-watering, but I’m not sure how much or how often I should be watering it.

Best answer:

Answer by p_rutherford2003
You might be over fertilizing with the miracle grow. Burnt leaves are usually a result of too much fertilizer.

Dig your finger in the dirt, if it still feels moist an inch or so down, let it be, otherwise give it some sun-warmed water. When it starts to get big, you’ll need to water every day, sometimes even a few times a day, depending on the plant size.

Good luck!

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  1. Just another example of the marijuana prohibition being used to get a
    search warrant to get code enforcement onto the property. 

  2. True, the video would have far more impact if the residents video taped the
    Swat bust and posted it on YouTube for others to make it go viral. 

  3. Are you still blowing your father John?

  4. Too much time on your hands, get a job!

  5. Am I the only one who tried to smoke tomato leaves?????

  6. I have no sympathy for tomato abusers. Haha

  7. Bo Kvarv, Newly elected Tomato Police Chief. Loved your comment… thumbs

  8. Sorry for being pedantic, but tomatoes are fruit, and the cops need to find
    something wrong to warrant the expense of this massive raid, thats why they
    found city ordinance violations, I think in your constitution you are
    allowed to know the name of your accuser, find out who it was and ban them
    from using tomatoe sauce, and tomatoes in their salads.

  9. WoW, that just beat out ticketing little girls for selling lemonaid as the
    most useless officers on the planet!

  10. You gotta be shitting me, theses dumb ass cops don’t know what a tomato
    plant looks like?

  11. make a motion of discovery to find if they had a warnet, and what intell
    they had. sue agaist their estates and bonds for damage and harm done,
    thift of privite property, and fruad (if no warnet was presanet or was

  12. the arlington police can suck my dick.

  13. Once I was tripped out on tomato, holy shi&t, that thing is strong and
    addictive. I can’t stop eating pasta with tomato sauce and Hot dogs with
    ketchup. These tomato dealers got me really good.

  14. well they say every thing is bigger in Texas I guess that includes STUPID

  15. Stupid POS you can’t even spell. This guy is probably a boxer who could
    knock you out in 15 seconds or arm wrestle you give you compound fracture.
    Why the hell don’t YOU supply a video of the incident, or shut up? No back
    sassing, you say anything at all, I’m blocking you and that beer belly on
    you that bounces like jello. Show some respect to people who are at least
    trying, he had no video, he offered the next best thing. I know I’m gonna
    have to block you so cut loose with your filth.

  16. They probly knew there was no marijuana there they were probly using
    heirloom seeds and they wanted to ruin what they had cause monsatos and the
    elistist goverments don’t want us to have access to reproductive seeds they
    want all controll over our food

  17. you couldn’t be more right, some people just like to be noticed or seen or
    have someone listen to anything they have to say on camera, I bet he has
    self portraits of himself hanging on his living room walls lol

  18. If you send a death squad -er SWAT team- out to find marijuana plants, you
    should teach them what marijuana looks like. It doesn’t look like tomato
    plants at all. Fools.

  19. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

  20. Big thumbs down for this stupid video. You could have just had a 5 second
    video saying “read the description”

  21. cowards

  22. Where the hell is the video, misleading ass picture.

  23. too bad the victims didn’t shoot the cops dead.

  24. why people do these clips i will never know

  25. made them mow the lawn, I also have been watched from the curb many times
    in a HOA as I mowed my lawn and made sure the curb was edged…

  26. Someone once told me that tomatoes need about 1 gallon of water per day when producing fruit. Is your pot large enough for the tomato plant?

    Growing tomatos in pots is something that I have not done. Here is a tip sheet that you should read on this. Probably packed with lots of info.

    My tomato plants are about 5 feet tall right now and have blooms all over the place. My next door neighbor asked me what I have been doing to them last night. I have been feeding my tomato plants two types of fertilizer.

    46-0-0 – This encourages the plant to grow and develop lots of foliage

    9-46-9 – I use fertilom’s rooting and blooming once a week to encourage flowering.

    I sparingly used the 46-0-0. About 2 to 3 pellets per plant per month and I will feed them once more in July and water 3 days after the last rain.

    Good luck

  27. tomatoes tend to have a large root system and can get rootbound rather quickly, and that combined with the ability of the soil to hold water can affect them ..ideally there will be conditions that dont require frequent watering yet can keep the soil evenly moist for a couple of days. Huge swings from dry to wet constantly negatively affect them, and agreed dont over-fertilize, some rich soil in a large container is better .. last thought is tomatoes are like weeds, think ‘what makes weeds grow good around here’ ..

  28. Indeed tomatoes have big root systems, four feet or more deep if planted in the ground. In a pot you are stressing the plant. Dedicated patio type tomatoes do better but still enjoy LARGE pots, good drainage, constantly moist (NOT wet) soil. Often in pots the soil shrinks and the water runs down the sides, never getting to root ball wet. Feel and look carefully.

    Edge burn may indicate salt from the fertilizer, too much wind and the plant is drying on the edges, too little water………..but it could also indicate virus problems, especially if the leaves begin to curl/roll, turn purple, etc. Virus is carries by insects and it only take a single bite by an infected insect to infect your plant. Like with humans, no magic cure for virus.

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