Bringing It Home- Chef Josh Silvers- Heirloom Tomato Salad

Join Laura McIntosh today on Bringing It Home as she cooks with guest Chef Josh Silvers. Watch as they prepare a fresh Heirloom Tomato Salad. For this recipe…

Question by Liz: How can I get a bang for my buck at a salad bar?
I always end up spending so much more money than I intend to when I go to a salad bar. Anybody have any tips as to how I can save money? I know it’s probably about self-control… but some veggies weigh a lot less than others… I will basically eat any raw vegetable so I’m very open to suggestions on how to lighten up the load so that my wallet will be fatter!

Best answer:

Answer by Twinky
What I usually do is fill as much as possible with greeny light foods. The top it off with cottage cheese, egg, black olive, brocolli..whatver else that is more filling.

And instead of putting your dressing right on, put it in a container on the side or get those little packets of dressing instead. That way, when they weigh your food your dressing won’t add to the weight.

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  1. I skip lettuce and go for spinach and sprouts, then if the tomatoes look good them, then peppers, onions, various veg’s, olives, I stay away from cottage cheese and the like.

  2. heres my advice dunna…grab some lettuce…throw it in your LEFT pocket…then go for the good stuff…tomatoes onions olives whatever you like in your RIGHT pocket…that way when you go back to your desk itll already be separated…put some dressing in a container…and your good to go…complete meal in your pocket without having to empty it…


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