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Question by Kelley: The stem of my tomato plants are turning brown?
The leaves are normal color and everything, and the plants are still growing. The leaves are slightly wilted, though. However, today I realized that the very bottom of the stem is turning brown, and I also noticed that there are thousands of bumps on the stem as well. So, I was just wondering what is wrong with my tomato plants, and is there anything I can do about it?

Best answer:

Answer by bugsie
the brown spot on the stem is most likely a fungus that in common term is called damping off.
I am sorry I forget the real name. There are fungicides that you can use for damp off.
Make sure that the fungicide label says that it is O.K. for veggies!!!
As for the bumps on the stem, those are root nodes. If you bury a tomato deep every one of those nodes would turn into a root. That is normal.
Also, with out a photo, I am guessing on the fungus.

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  1. What do you think of a combination of Neem oil, dish soap and water? Or even putting hot peppers in the mix as insects seem to hate it. It would be for rose bushes.

  2. thanks i will try this! :)

  3. if you planted where you had plants last year and you didnt remove them then you may have keotodes and the tomato crop for this year is minimal, plant in a different area or remove the dead plants at the end of the season.

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