Campbell’s Tomato soup ‘Possibilities’

Campbell's Tomato soup 'Possibilities'

This is songstress, Angela McCluskey singing for Campbell’s soup with yours truly singing the backgrounds. On some of the many :15 and :30 second versions, I…
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Question by emily: Can you lose weight from canned Campbell tomato soup and instant oat meal?
I just lost my baby months ago and just now trying to lose the baby weight will tomato soup by Campbell and instant oat meal lose fat ?

Best answer:

Answer by Luisa
You can lose weight eating chocolate cake or drinking only alcohol. But that doesn’t mean you should.

Tomato soup and oatmeal are much healthier alternatives, of course, but in the end, you’re going to have to count calories to ensure a deficit.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. what year is this from

  2. This is my all-time favorite commercial about tomato soup.

  3. A neat variation of the original.

  4. It all depends on how much you eat, you wont want to just eat that because the natural nutrients that you need will not get into your system. You may actually gain weight from a slow metabolism and malnutrition. I recommend an actual diet and exercise plan to help loose weight. Because starving your self and cause malnutrition can be very harmful to the body even though people claim its the fastest method

  5. Yes u could… but I’ll make sure to get other nutrients in ur diet…

  6. There is no harm trying. But make sure the brand is reliable.

  7. Canned food is not good for health, as it contain acidic preservatives that harm your stomach ultimately. Whatever you eat has to be home cooked and fresh, not canned.

  8. You could, but see the only problem with canned soup is the high sodium content, and the only problem with the instant oatmeal (the flavored kind in particular) is the high sugar content. If you must eat canned soup, try to opt for the low sodium kind. If you must eat instant oatmeal, try to opt for the original kind and add a little sugar to it, or opt for the low sugar flavored kind. These options are available in stores, you just have to know where to look.

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