Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom review. CGRundertow presents a video game review of Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom for the NES. The NES was home t…
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Question by cosmic_cougar25: I want to start weighing my food. How much should i consume?
If you know a website that would be amazing! But I need to lose weight and I’m going to start running too. So diet an exercise. We’ve had a food weight for years but i never used it. So how much should each of these foods weight?
Everything Veggie burger(Bread, burger, tomato, lettuce)

What else should i know about?

Best answer:

Answer by cHeLsEa
It’s not the weighing of the food that matters, it’s the portions! Count calories too. It’ll be alot quicker.

What do you think? Answer below!

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. – by officialWillF (Will Ferrell)

Tomato Salad
Tomato Salad
Image by atl10trader

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1 Comment

  1. It doesn’t matter how much your food weighs, only the calorie content. This calculator will tell you how many calories (approximately) you need to maintain your weight. If, every day, you eat about 500 calories less than you need to maintain your weight, you will lose approximately one pound per week. Healthy weight loss consists of about 1/2 to 1 pound per week, and if you only cut back your calories by 250 rather than 500, you will lose approximately 1/2 pound.
    Exercise is great, and it’s good that you’re watching your portion sizes, but cutting calories is the key to weight loss. However, you should never eat below about 1200 calories per day, or you risk putting your body into starvation mode.
    As far as the foods you’ve listed, most bread slices weigh about 1 oz, a serving size of meat weighs about 4 oz, and I’m unsure about veggie burgers and salads.
    Try to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, because they’re low calorie and very healthy, and try to cut back on high fat foods.
    Good luck with your diet and I hope that this advice helped.

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