Question by Madman13: Why are my squash and zucchini plants dying?
I am growing yellow squash, spaghetti squash and zucchini. I have been getting lots of growth, but lately half of the stems have been withering and I haven’t had any vegetables lately. Is this too much or too little water? Could it be a parasite or bug or is it just a cycle? Thanks.

I also grow cherry tomatoes and beefsteak tomatoes and they’ve been doing great.
I live in central texas

Best answer:

Answer by Lynn
Probably a disease. I’m thinking mosaic or Powdery Mildew, but I can only judge from what happens in my area and to me. Just google “squash diseases for” and then write where you’re from.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Shriveled vines normally point to squash bugs. They bore into the stems, lay their eggs and kill the plant. We’ve had so many in our area, most people have quit planting squash. They are almost impossible to kill and destroy the plants very quickly.

  2. There is a bug out there that attacks the stem of the plant use some dishsoap in a 2 gallon sprayer and spray the plant even underneath the leaves. lemon soap by the way bugs can’t stand this.

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