Cherry Tomato Marinara with Zucchini Noodles

Yield: 1 cup (240 ml) 1 1/2 cups (224 g) cherry tomatoes 1 whole pitted Medjool date or 2 teaspoons agave or maple syrup 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoo…

Question by cablanton1!yahoo: After transplanting a full grown tomato plant, what tonic can i use to get rid of wilting?
transplanted in the heat and cherry tomato plants are wilting.

Best answer:

Answer by Me
HUM… try fish emulsion, but make sure the plants aren’t wilting because of a viral infection.

Put them in the shade, until they recover, and mist the leaves often. A cool fabric will give them some shade until they look good again

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. beautiful

  2. At the end (3:30) she says: “angel hair raw pasta”. Pasta? I thought it was zucchini.

  3. WOW! thse zucchini noodles look incredible! what an awesome idea =D

  4. Yum! Dinner! Thanks so much for the great recipe Ani!

  5. It is best to plant in the evening or when it’s cloudy.
    The heat stresses the plant and wilting occurs.
    Normally it’s best to harden them off before transplanting – slowly adjust them to the elements starting at 1 hour of sun and then the next day 2 hours – or whatever they can tolerate until well adjusted.
    There are transplant fertilizers to reduce transplant shock which include B vitamins….also make sure they have alot of water to stay hydrated during the transplant shock and heat – at nite or in the morning, they will have adjusted so there is no worry.
    Keep watered well and they will adjust – tomatoes are strong growers.

  6. You might have lost the plant because you disturbed the root system where it gets its nutrition . TRY giving it some shade somehow( a patio umbrella ,) dig a moat around the plant so that the dirt is mounded up all around the plant and water until the ground will not except any more water . You will need to do this for several days if it lives Good luck

  7. put the plant in shade. then give it lots of water every day until it starts to look better

  8. you should water it then put some miracle gro on the tomato plant.

  9. Try Miracle Gro. It is known to help reduce shock to plants being transplanted. In this case, I would use Miracle Gro for Tomatoes.

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