Cherry tomatoes tend to split after a lot of rain or from over watering. If you pick them before a heavy rain you will harvest more that are not split. If yo…

Question by Luke P: What is the correct amount of water for a tomato plant?
What is the correct amount of water for a very young tomato plant?

Best answer:

Answer by John R
Depends on how young…if its only about 4-6 inches tall then 4-8oz of water will be fine…but always remember that the soil underneath the top lining is more moist then the soil on top so feel it with your finger and if the surface of the soil is still moist your tomato plant is watered good until you don’t feel any more moisture on top again. This forces healthy root growth downward instead of up toward the surface also.

There is also moisture control soil out now from miracle grow. It absorbs 33% more to prevent over and under watering so you could basically give your plant a very good dose of water and then just wait until the surface has no moisture again and you will only have to water once every 2-3 days.

Hope this helped

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  1. My greenhouse is also homemade from an old jungle gym playground unit that was removed. Normally my SS100’s would be producing more if we had not had way too much rain to even have a garden this year. Our plants lost a lot of roots from rot which hampered their full potential. Usually we get between 300 and 500 cherry tomatoes per plant, but not this year. This is going to be the coldest August that I can remember.

  2. Chuck: Try Sweet Million cherry tomato. You will not be sorry. Park Seed Co. in S. C.

  3. I have a homemade greenhouse and grow supersweet 100s, sweet baby girls and a bunch others. They pump those cherries out! Great videos sir!

  4. I did not grow one cherry tomato plant this year. I planted a 6 pack of them and transplanted them into grow bags but I found out that once they began to set fruit that the seed that I got from Bakers Creek was something close to a better boy and not a cherry tomato! Oh well…I will try some different seed next year.

  5. With all the extra rain these have not been as sweet as they usually are. Favorite would be Sweet Million. If I was selling them I would grow Sweet Million because even though they are not as sweet as these you harvest almost all of them and they are larger in size, they don’t get sunburned, and they do not split as bad as these have done. We knew they they had a tendency split and the rains it has been been worse. We will plant Sweet Million next year and the 4th Of July salad tomato.

  6. Do you have a favorite cherry? I tried Cherry Nectar’s this year and they are my favorite so far. Its a very sweet tomato.

  7. My bride wanted to me to plant a cherry tomato plant we use to grow. We forgot how bad they split. We have been planting Sweet Million for 20 years and they do not split very much.

  8. So far I’ve been lucky. I’ve been afraid of seeing some splitting from the weird weather that we’re having.

  9. Top 10 Terrific Tomato Tips
    By Marie Iannotti,
    See More About:growing tomatoesvegetable gardeningpest controlorganic gardeningplant problemsIs it too early too be thinking about your tomato plants? Not if you’re the competitive tomato gardening type who wants the earliest and sweetest tomato on the block. Unfortunately, growing great tomatoes doesn’t just happen. Sample some of the science experiments on sale at your grocer’s this winter, if you don’t believe it. Start early with some time tested tomato growing tips to insure you bragging rights this year.

    1. Don’t Crowd Seedlings.
    If you are starting tomatoes from seed, be sure to give the seedlings room to branch out. Close conditions inhibit their growth, so transplant them as soon as they get their first true leaves and move them into 4″ pots about 2 weeks after that. 2. Provide lots of light.
    Tomato seedlings will need either strong, direct sunlight or 14-18 hours under grow lights. Place the young plants only a couple of inches from florescent grow lights. Plant your tomatoes outside in the sunniest part of your vegetable plot. 3. Put a fan on your seedlings.
    It seems tomato plants need to move and sway in the breeze, to develop strong stems. Provide a breeze by turning a fan on them for 5-10 minutes twice a day.4. Preheat the soil in your garden.
    Tomatoes love heat. Cover the planting area with black or red plastic a couple of weeks before you intend to plant. Those extra degrees of warmth will translate into earlier tomatoes. 5. Bury them.
    Bury tomato plants deeper than they come in the pot, all the way up to a few top leaves. Tomatoes are able to develop roots all along their stems. You can either dig a deeper hole or simply dig a shallow tunnel and lay the plant sideways. It will straighten up and grow toward the sun. Be careful not to drive your pole or cage into the stem. 6. Mulch Later.
    Mulch after the ground has had a chance to warm up. Mulching does conserve water and prevents the soil and soil born diseases from splashing up on the plants, but if you put it down too early it will also shade and therefore cool the soil. Try using plastic mulch for heat lovers like tomatoes and peppers. (See Tip #4) 7. Remove Bottom Leaves.
    Once the tomato plants are about 3′ tall, remove the leaves from the bottom 1′ of stem. These are usually the first leaves to develop fungus problems. They get the least amount of sun and soil born pathogens can be unintentionally splashed up onto them. Spraying weekly with compost tea also seems to be effective at warding off fungus diseases. 8. Pinch & Prune.
    Pinch and remove suckers that develop in the crotch joint of two branches. They won’t bear fruit and will take energy away from the rest of the plant. But go easy on pruning the rest of the plant. You can thin leaves to allow the sun to reach the ripening fruit, but it’s the leaves that are photosynthesizing and creating the sugars that give flavor to your tomatoes. 9. Water Regularly.
    Water deeply and regularly while the plants are developing. Irregular watering, (missing a week and trying to make up for it), leads to blossom end rot and cracking. Once the fruit begins to ripen, lessening the water will coax the plant into concentrating its sugars. Don’t withhold water so much that the plants wilt and become stressed or they will drop their blossoms and possibly their fruit. 10. Getting Them to Set Fruit.
    Determinate type tomatoes tend to set and ripen their fruit all at one time, making a large quantity available when you’re ready to make sauce. You can get indeterminate type tomatoes to set fruit earlier by pinching off the tips of the

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