Cherry Tomato Tart Appetizer Recipe || KIN EATS

Cherry Tomato Tart Appetizer Recipe || KIN EATS

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Question by iloveguam: Can I buy cherry tomato seeds from Japan on the Internet?
I have searched without luck. Are they maybe called something other than “cherry” tomatoes in Japan?

Best answer:

Answer by threedaypriest
I’m not sure, but I think seeds may be on the restricted list of items that can be mailed. Not sure though. You could always have a friend in Japan put a couple of packs of the seeds in an envelope and see if it makes its way to you though. The seeds will probably run around $ 2/pack and postage for 2-3 packs will run around $ 3 or so. I don’t think that they are going to arrest you, but the envelope may get tossed into the trash. You’d be out less than $ 10. I’ll help you out on that if they have the seeds at the home center near my house. You send a money order or personal check (which must clear first) to my sister in the U.S., I buy the seeds and send them along. No big deal.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Related Cherry Tomato Articles


  1. Wow. Seems so quick and easy.

  2. bravo!!!!

  3. Will definitely be making this soon. Thanks for posting!

  4. Oh yes. What would we do without Trader Joes!? :)

  5. Brilliant.

  6. i love your videos :)

  7. I do believe I spy a Trader Joe’s puff pastry! Can spot that flaky, buttery goodness a mile away – so YUMMY!  Makes all little tarts, bites, nibbles that much better…sweet or savory. This looks so pretty, in true Kincommunity style! Thanks for more cooking inspiration…

  8. LOL

  9. Beautiful!!!


  11. As far as I know, they are called cherry tomato or “petite tomato”.
    プチトマト チェリートマト

    There are many online shops selling plant seeds but I have not found doing overseas delivery.
    (I wanted some Japanese Shiso ad tsurumurasaki seeds myself)

    If you are in US, how about this one?

    good luck!

  12. Rakuten is selling it.

    And they ship internationally.

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