CHICKEN + CHERRY = TOMATO? – Let’s Play Kirby! Ep. 1

Chris and Sean take the Kirby Squeak Squad challenge. Sean over-uses sucking/blowing jokes, and Chris has trouble speaking English. Enjoy! Note: We own nothi…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by lauren: do you have a good food invention?

i have one :

* slice little pieces of chicken salami , dice little pieces of cherry tomatoes, green onions, mushrooms, and green pepper, (not dill) pickles, then put oil lemon and salt and mix it all together and that will make really good SANDWICHES
i forgot one thing,, slice chicken salami AND smoked turkey,,,little pieces

Best answer:

Answer by Killer Queen
Drizzle of Chocolate Sauce on Bananas.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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  1. The bear/walrus thing is sooo cute.

  2. Sounds like a poultry hash.
    I don’t know about a food invention but what about powdered tomatos? Like a spice, you could put it on scrambled eggs, maybe in your soup for a lite taste of tomato, on potatos, you name it and why isn’t there powdered green bell pepper as long as I’m at it?

  3. Roll salami and provolone up into like a pirouette type shape with avocado, and dip in mustard.

  4. I make up stuff all the time. Years ago, we had left over taco stuff…I had the seasoned beef, diced onions, peppers and shredded lettuce, tomatoes and cheese. I had the idea to mix all those ingredients (except the tomato) and put them in egg roll wrappers, and deep fry them. They were delicious! A year or so ago, I saw them on a restaurant menu!

  5. First do not be afraid mixing ingredients, even salt or sweet ones. I love to try new things, like:
    1 nice piece of meat, salt, pepper, celery, parsley, TERIYAKI sauce, lots of olive oil.
    Cover completely with sliced carrots (very thin) and white onion.
    Bake at 250 degrees for as long as you preferred (well, medium or row).

  6. grape or cherry tomatoes, mozzarella chunks or balls and a basil leaf…. get those frilly toothpicks and thread mozz, followed by a basil leaf, followed by a tomato. just before serving, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper… yum, and really pretty to look at too !

  7. Crisps and Vegemite sandwiches.

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