Chinese tomato soup This is a truly authentic Chinese recipe for tomato soup. Not those of cup-a-soup. It’s delicious sweet taste, a real boost. Please tell…

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  1. Chinese cooks in Holland make this soup. I have it every time I visit Amsterdam. Lekker. Thanks for the video recipe.

  2. agree!!!

  3. owh plz…if chinese soup they wont blend the ingredient =.=

  4. I bet this guy’s soup is purty good tasting.
    Your reply to my original comment made me hungry for soup.
    I have instant seaweed soup — just add water. I think I’ll make me some.
    Ancient Chinese Secret.

  5. lol yea yea.. ancient chinese man.

  6. lol this is not chinese soup. Looks more like western soup

  7. Chinese copy past every thing in the world !

  8. what kind of chinese are you??? this is a joke.

  9. @Jaroon88 That makes no sense. Ramen is Japanese? That’s about the biggest joke ever. The word maybe is Japanese, but Ramen has its origins in China before Japan took over the whole Chinese philosophy and culture.

    Btw – this is not how the Chinese make it. In ancient times and modern times.

  10. heb m zelf gemaakt en was heerlijk! Wel wat kleine aanpassingen en die mie is geen succes dus daarvoor tauge gedaan maar was yummie! maar niet authentiek chinees….

  11. heb m zelf gemaakt en was heerlijk! Wel wat kleine aanpassingen en die mie is geen succes dus daarvoor tauge gedaan maar was yummie!

  12. All you Chinese saying this is not the way the Chinese make it; YOU ARE WONG.
    This is Ancient Chinese Secret.
    You are new Chinese.
    That’s why you don’t know.

  13. …but Chinese SpiderMan shoots skinny rice noodles from out of his wrists…

  14. Ey… That’s not true! :O

  15. chinese soup in western way

  16. This definitely doesn’t look Chinese what so ever…

  17. we just dump everything in the pot and heat till dry.

  18. Ffuucckk! It is not Chinese tomato soup. It is Dutch cooking style tomato soup.

  19. freakshow, no chinese do this.

  20. REAL Chinese tomato soup – basically: Dried fried fish, potatoes (cut; peered), whole tomatoes (with skin), water and salt.

  21. pure chinese here and i’ve never had soup like this nor have i heard of anyone making chinese tomato soup.

  22. looks like ramen, japanese?

  23. The fuckk LOL. This is NOT chinese

  24. i’ve nv seen any chinese dish add tomato puree.

  25. Strange. How exactly is this soup authentic Chinese? I’ve never seen a thick tomato sauce-soup like this one before among any of the Chinese cuisines. Another thing: this recipe is missing even the barest minimum of ingredients that would give a “Chinese” or oriental taste. Where’s the sesame oil? The ginger? (Or anything else, like 5-spice?) The high-heat sauteing of the garlic, onion, and ginger first with the sesame oil, BEFORE adding other stuff and boiling (typical Asian technique)?

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