Christmas Caroling in sweet tomato.

Christmas Caroling in sweet tomato.

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

Question by Anthony: Do you have a favorite buffet restaurant?
I love Hometown Buffet and Sweet Tomatoes!

Best answer:

Answer by i ♥ hershey ♥♥♥♥♥
I’m in St.Louis area & never heard of sweet tomato~but we have a golden corral that is the bomb & i love most chinese buffets too ♦

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Ci Ci’s pizza is the bomb ilove it !

  2. Ci Ci’s Pizza
    Chinese local place called King’s Buffet
    Godfather’s Pizza buffet


  3. I like Cici’s Pizza because it’s pretty much the only buffet my family goes to. I think Shoney’s breakfast buffet is/was good because I haven’t been there is a long time.

  4. golden corral and soup plantation(same place as sweet tomatoes)

  5. Sweet Tomatoes and Old country Buffet

  6. i live in windsor ontario and my favorite restaurant is golden gill!!!! it has the best puffs!!!!!!!!!!

  7. tydfh

  8. chinese one
    i am not much for golden coral and we have cici’s but i have not ever gone to it..

    we have no other one’s in town.

  9. My favorite is Eastern Buffet. It’s a Chinese buffet.

  10. Golden corral is awfully good, hard to beat

  11. I enjoy Hometown Buffet. Unfortunately, we don’t have one in town. I have never been to Sweet Tomatoes but have heard good things from people who have gone.

    The buffets in our town our Chinese. A new place opened awhile back and it features a Mandarin buffet. Both are acceptable. Reasonably priced.

  12. Yes, a legit Brazialian steakhouse. They are rare but they are THE BOMB when you come across a good one. The servers bring you different grilled meats (Lamb, Beef, Seafood, Chicken, etc.) and then there is a giant buffet where you go and server yourself exotic delicious foods. These are awesome places but they usually start at $ 25-$ 30 per person.

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