Cloning Tomato Plants Step-by-Step

Suckers are often removed from tomato plants to increase yield and make it easier to string on a trellis. With these suckers or clones you can start brand ne…

Question by pinkiebutt: I just discovered little red bugs on my tomato plants and was wondering what they are?
My tomato plants are not doing very well and appear to be dying. I just discovered little red bugs underneath some of the leaves and was wondering what they are and if they are the cause. They almost look like a very large flea, are red in color and about the size of the lead tip on a pencil. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by meirion128
you need a systemic spray from a garden centre just hope it is not to late

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Tomato plants
Tomato Plants
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They’re not massive yet, but they’re a lot bigger than they were a couple of weeks ago… Scaffolding down = much more light = much happier plants.

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  1. Aphids, get spray quick.

  2. Sounds like aphids. Do they look like this?

    If they have longish bodies and look fuzzy, then they might be ladybug larvae, and should be left alone because they are beneficial.

    Usually where there are aphids, there are ladybugs. If you have ladybugs present, then you don’t need to do anything — they will take care of the problem for you.

    But what can you do if you don’t have any ladybugs? Mix a teaspoon of dishwashing soap with a quart of water and spray it on your tomato plants. This will cause the aphids to suffocate, but won’t hurt your plants, your dinner plate, or your pocket book.

    Good luck!

  3. aphids probly

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