Cooking Classes – Roma Tomato crème Velouté in Puff Pastry Crust

Cooking Classes - Roma Tomato crème Velouté in Puff Pastry Crust

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Question by Regina: I accidentally bought tomato concentrate instead of tomato past, What can it be used for?
I’m not using it for the same recipe, I already bought tomato past, But what to do with the concentrate?

Best answer:

Answer by Florence M
Use it when making soup or spaghetti sauce.
I really would use either of the two, tomato concentrate and tomato paste interchangeably in a recipe.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. You can eat it.

  2. Tomato paste and tomato concentrate are pretty much the same thing, so can be used interchangeably. Depending on the brand, tomato paste may contain salt and/or sugar and tomato concentrate only contains tomatoes. Both are tomatoes cooked down to a paste.

  3. hi hun! you can try to make tomato pastries

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