Crying Over Green Tomato Relish

Grinding 6 pounds of sweet onions for the green tomato relish.
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Question by upallniteowl: How do I check my tomato’s for blight?
I have 30 beautiful tomato plants with lots of green tomato’s but they don’t seem to want to turn red. Is there a way to see if they have blight? We lost all our tomato’s last year. We live in Pennsylvania and last year had a chilly summer with cold nights. This year has been very hot and dry.

Best answer:

Answer by tracy t
its not hard u will need to look at the leave if it has dark ringed spot then you got them.

this link may be helpful
good luck

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Blight first shows up as spots on the leaves of the plants, the leaves turn yellow around a black center and the leaves die.

    I’m in Pa also and yeah, I lost nearly all my tomatoes too. I started a new bed, disinfected all the tomato cages with bleach in an effort to prevent the blight showing up again this year. But the hot, dry weather is our biggest help with blight. Means we have to water but oh well. The cold snap we had in the first part of the summer set our tomatoes back a bit.

    Patience on the ripening process. they will get ripe when they are ready. You don’t state when you planted, what varieties you planted. Some varieties take longer to ripen. I planted the 3rd week of May and I haven’t gotten any ripe ones yet but I have a lot that are starting to turn a lighter color green and soon they will start turning red/yellow depending on the variety.

    Link below on blight, how to identify it and organic solutions for a lot of common garden pests.

  2. It was probably the chill that killed your last crop. blight causes leaves to go brown and fruits to rot, you will notice it starting on the edges of the leaves first, it usually occurs in out door toms in wet weather.

  3. Lots of detail information and pictures to help you identify tomato lateblight

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