Dealing with Tomato Plant Diseases & Pests How to recognize and deal with common tomato plant diseases and pests.
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  1. I live in nj I don’t get pests for some reason or diseases I only get pests for my pepper plants

  2. Good info for a tomato planter.
    What made you send me this video my friend?

  3. Concise, informative video. Thanks.

  4. My tomato plants died this year. I think the manure I used was too “hot” and burned them up. It also stunted my pepper plants but they are still living. Thanks for the videos.

  5. Not sure about the grasshoppers, but the droppings you call mouse poop are probably droppings from a tomato hornworm that’s full grown. Just look north of where you see the droppings on the plant and you’ll likely see the character who laid it.

  6. I have a huge grasshopper problem. I’ve resorted to pesticide but it’s not killing them at all. Also, I see deposits on the leaves of the plant that kind of look like mouse poop, but how are mice getting on top of the plant? It must be some other sort of pest doing it.

  7. umm, where do you live? I might need to move there.

  8. Where I’m from I have no pests or diseases

  9. nice vid!

  10. No, the chemical binders are no good for your plants… Either find a limestone deposit near you or buy some lime from a nursery. You could also use egg shells if you bake off the egg and then grind or blend them to a powder.

  11. hahaha … a drunken snail!!

  12. what a cutie! thanks. your garden looks wonderful and delicious

  13. Wow I didn’t know that their was so much sickness that a tomatoes can catch. Thanks Now I know what to watch for.

  14. I just sown some tomato seeds today in a pot but have it indoors as it had rained all day today (13th April 2013)

  15. Thanks for the video. I have experienced blossom end rot and wondered why. Know I know.
    I have a pile of plaster form ripping out the lathe and plaster from my house while remodeling. I’ve heard I can put some in my garden to ‘lime-up’ the soil. Does anyone know if that is true?

  16. Great video! I only wish you would have included more ways to kill those pest you mentioned. Very nice job over all.

  17. it is easy to grow tomatoes I just admit, but in Britain, you just need the right environment and garden space for it! i ended up with tomatoes similar to ones in your video before!

  18. What an informative video! Thank you, I will be using your information in

  19. Thanks, good info and quick to the point.

  20. I had that blossom end rot and put the lime and solved the problem. But, the lime was expensive and didn’t know how much? Ended up putting the whole small bag on the the problem was ended almost immediately.

  21. I had a problem with the chip monk, I was told to go to my nearest monastery and talk to the frier about it.

  22. Wonderful, thank you. I am subscribing so I can learn more.

  23. Great video! I learned a lot. Thanks

  24. Nobody mentions the smokers virus or the determinant or non determinant breed.

  25. Thanks for sharing this video with us. Our Quoddy Lobster Compost is terrific for vegetable gardening. The calcium and chitin from the lobster shells breaks down in the composting process to become plant ready food and really helps to fend off blossom end rot.

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