Dudley and a little green tomato

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Question by : does anyone know how too keep green tomatoes for frying later in winter months?
iI have a lot of green tomatoes that i would like too keep for use later on in the winter months they don’t have time too ripen before frost and dont want too waste them any good suggestions serious answers please
I live in the usa—- kentucky anyone have any good suggestions on how too keep green tomatoes for use later in the winter months[ frying] I have lots and dont wan’t yo waste them there is not enough time for them too ripen before frost —serious answers only please

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer
Wrap them in paper napkins and put it in Ziploc. Best way to preserve tomatoes for long.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. freeze them

  2. keep them in a brown paper bag

  3. You could possibly freeze them. I am not sure if this would increase the water content thus making it harder to fry.

    You could give it a try with one or two now.

  4. Slice them first then freeze them…


  5. sure you can slice them and put them in freezer bags, you can salt and pepperthem first if you want to , i live in fla and i have done this before …happy frying !!!!!!!

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