Fruit Bytes with Rozanne Stevens – Curried Tomato Chutney

Fruit Bytes with Rozanne Stevens - Curried Tomato Chutney

Here Rozanne shows how to make a curried tomato chutney. A perfect gift to give at Christmas time. For more great receipts and tips visit us at http://www.fa…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by kikio: Tomato Planting?
I have a tomato plant that is overtaking my front garden. It is loaded with beefsteak tomatos, but they are still green. Can I pick them and have them ripen in the house, or do they need to ripen on the vine?

Best answer:

Answer by Maeve S
They won’t taste as fabulous as vineripened but you can do it. If you can wait for them to atleast get a bit orange without the vine getting broken by the heavy fruit, do that.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I looked through a lot of tomato chutney recipes this morning and 99% of
    them require ingredients I’d have to go out and buy. It’s pouring rain and
    I don’t want to melt. I keep looking and found your video which is quite
    simple, exactly what I need. Excellent.

  2. You can pick them, they’ll ripen indoors, near a window.
    But they’ll be much sweeter if left on the vine.
    Use cages or stakes to support your bushes.

  3. You CAN ripen them in a paper bag in the house, however, they will taste infinitely better if you let them ripen on the vine, where they are still receiving nutrients.

    I usually leave mine on the vine until the end of the season. When there are only a few left on the plants, I take the green ones in and let the plants die off.

  4. This is the time of the year when it is best to hack away. Cut off the tops of the plants where there aren’t green tomatoes. You may have to sacrifice blossoms, but the plant puts the energy into ripening what it has left.
    Cut off all leaves and stems that aren’t growing anything too, and make sure your plant is caged or stalked… Then in August, harvest your ripe tomatoes!

  5. if they are a little red put them in a brown paper bag and then put them in the ice box.they will ripen quicker that way

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