Getting rid of Early Blight

“Early tomato blight” sounds scary. Leaves turn yellow, curl up and die. Your tomato plant looks like the grim reaper took a crap on it. Don’t worry one bit!…

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  1. Here in Ohio the Amish use Epson Salt to cure Tomato Blight..Use about 2 cups of the Epson Salts in a 2 gallon sprayer and spray the whole tomato plant or to bottom, You will have to do this every week until the plant or plant finishes bearing fruit..Epson Salt is Harmless and in fact is a form of fertilizer..

  2. Thanks so much :)! 

  3. You can mix a tablespoon baking soda with a quart of water in a spray bottle. Heavily mist the plants top to bottom and get under the leaves. This helps.

  4. Mr. Walden, I wonder if your problem is with late blight, not early blight? I mention it because you wrote of rotting from the top of the plant. We’ve had a lot of wet, hot weather lately and some of my plants seem to have early blight, but it’s been fairly easy to keep it under control, although I have been fairly diligent about pruning. I’m in Virginia, which is “the south” to me as I’m originally from Pennsylvania.

  5. I am pretty sure my potatoes have early blight. Is the treatment the same? Thanks!

  6. “this is how you take care of blight……. ball.” lol

  7. Thanks! This will definitely come in handy after this wet spring and early summer!

  8. I use one level tablespoon to a quart of water. Mist the plant’s leaves top and under, stems and top of soil. Do this after the sun is down in the evening. Repeat in a week if needed. This usually clears it up OR keeps it under control for your plants to continue growing and producing.

  9. Hi Ray! I’d like to know what your mix of baking soda and water is. Like how much baking soda to how much water. I’ve got blight on my tomato plants right now and I’m trimmed all the bottom parts that had it off, but I’ve noticed it’s also on the main stem of one of my plants, and now I’m worried!

  10. Hi ray! I

  11. Fortunately I don’t live in the southern USA. :)

  12. Unfortunately thats not the case in southern usa.

  13. Early blight will not kill my plants that quickly. In fact it never kills my plants. I practice and promote easy methods to deal with this fungus to allow the plant to continue growing and producing. A simple solution of backing soda and water misted onto the plant fom top to bottom kills this fungus and keeps it in it’s place as a nuisance instead of a game ender.

  14. Blight “will kill” a tomato plant and cause your early yield to have side wall rot and fall off the plant. Also blight will get on the stem of your smaller weaker plants and rot from the top of the plant killing it in about 4 to 5 days. Dont underestimate this fungus, especially late blight, it kills entire crops.

  15. Ooh, something shiny @ 1:24 !

  16. did u make a video where u make a fungi spray or pesticide or use a home made organic blend ? 

  17. Thanks Ray! Whew! Blight’s a pain.

  18. Thank you so much I was so freaked out about my poor baby tomatoes

  19. My leaves are all green its just the top ones (smaller ones) curling up is this blight to or is this kinda normal. Stams look nice and healthy no yellow spots or leaves on my plants just top leaves curling still green .


  21. Yes it works on all fungus and molds.

  22. Hi does it also work on powdery mildew? My zuccinis are suffering! Great work btw :)

  23. i have this on my tomato plants and the garden center gave me some blueish sulfer copper for it. it this an effective method to control the fungus

  24. Absolutely not. If possible toss them in the trash or toss them in your car trunk and dump them off the side of the road in a dit or mail them to your mother in law. If you have no other means of getting rid of them, spray them heavily with a mixture of one teaspoon baking soda mixed with a quart of water. This will kill the fungus and make it safer to compost them.

  25. Can you put the blight stems and leaves in your compost?

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