Giant Tomatoes

Giant Tomatoes

The art and science of growing giant tomatoes with master tomato grower Marvin Meisner.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Question by smalltime: can a person grow tomatoes under grow light?
I want to be able to grow tomatoes year round under grow lights. If so what should the tempture be. thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by slickcole18
sure growing tomatos inside with light will work room temp should be fine, plus your light will put out a little heat so they should be good. also it depends on what plant you buy, different plants are genetically different and can handles hotter and colder temps. so just use a grow light and do research on the plant you would like to grow. good luck

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  1. Great channel we are subbing! Iam sharing our garden videos with you enjoy!

  2. Jesus….that last tomato you showed at about 1:20 looked like a tumor. Is it possible they lack calcium?

  3. Delicious juicy tomato thank for videos

  4. Anyone know how I can keep my Big Zacs from becoming so cracked looking?

  5. my English is not good

    I got the best small tomatoes … potassium sulphate, sugar and a pinch of salt.

    10 liters water
    1 grams salt
    20 grams of potassium sulphate
    30 grams sugar

    tomato reginella (camone)

  6. That’s just foolish. Just because a few fruits have some ‘sunspots’ – which are very small and easily cut out – doesn’t make them look unappetizing. Quite the opposite. Those babies would have been delicious.

  7. A tomato that a person would find at the grocery store will not taste good, store bought tomatoes are breed to have thick skin so they do not bruise, but it eliminates almost all of the flavor and makes them mealy. A homegrown tomato does not even taste the same as the ones in the grocery store. After eating a tomato grown yourself you will not even be able to eat a store bough one. Originally most of the tomatoes looked more like the ones in the video, not the same size of course.

  8. our food is engineered to look larger and appetizing with added hormones and chemicals in the grocery stores…If you wanted normal fruits and veggies with organic matter you would be shocked and not find them appetizing because you are used to what is considered the norm which is not healthy.

  9. That’s what she said…

  10. Garden competition

  11. Thanks for posting this. I bet those taste wonderful!!! Nothing like home grown.

    For those of you who think those look awful, that’s because your used eating that “Plastic” perfectly round crap they call tomatoes in grocery stores. Maybe it’s because of those “plastic” looking and tasting fruits and vegetables grown today why we have so much cancer in our society???

  12. This is the best and most informative video that I’ve seen so far for growing tomatoes on youtube. I am a newbie gardner and looking for good and relevant information. This video was super helpful. It’s also encouraging, because I’m growing an Old German heirloom this year, and it’s got some fused blossoms forming already! Hopefully I’ll get a decent sized mater or two off of it.

  13. I would have gone with cancer rather than aids, but yeah.. they don’t look too tasty!

  14. Interesting stuff, thanx

  15. ROFL!!! I was thinking the same thing.

  16. Those look awful :/

  17. Those tomato’s look like they are suffering from aids.

  18. I will def. try that this summer!

  19. slice off the stalks then see …. one of these would easily do a 4 litre spaghetti sauce. EASY………

  20. looks large,but they dont look so appetizing.

  21. pretty cool tomato’s

  22. How to grow large tomatoes

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