green burrito guac steak fries tomato

green burrito guac steak fries tomato

it was a rip off it tasted oik but at deltaco the would have been .50.
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Question by ARSAALKJS6a A: what are tomatillos and where can i find them?
are they green tomatoes or what?

and where can i find them?

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Answer by BlueTyphoid

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  1. You know I have never eaten anything from green burrito. Never thought about it lol

  2. The tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica) is a plant of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family, bearing small, spherical and green or green-purple fruit of the same name.

    The tomatillo fruit is surrounded by a paper-like husk formed from the calyx. As the fruit matures, it fills the husk and can split it open by harvest. The husk turns brown, and the fruit can be any of a number of colors when ripe, including yellow, red, green, or even purple.[1] Tomatillos are the key ingredient in fresh and cooked Latin American green sauces. The freshness and greenness of the husk are quality criteria. Fruit should be firm and bright green, as the green colour and tart flavour are the main culinary contributions of the fruit.

    Other parts of the tomatillo plant contain toxins, and should not be eaten.

    Tomatillo plants are highly self-incompatible (two or more plants are needed for proper pollination, thus isolated tomatillo plants rarely set fruits).

    Fresh ripe tomatillos will keep in the refrigerator for about two weeks. They will keep even longer if the husks are removed and the fruits are placed in sealed plastic bags stored in the refrigerator.They may also be frozen whole or sliced.

    The tomatillo is also known as the husk tomato, jamberry, husk cherry, mexican tomato, or ground cherry, although these names can also refer to other species in the Physalis genus. In Spanish it is called tomate de cáscara, tomate de fresadilla, tomate milpero, tomate verde (“green tomato”), tomatillo (Mexico [this term means “little tomato” elsewhere]), miltomate (Mexico, Guatemala), or simply tomate (in which case the tomato is called jitomate). Even though tomatillos are sometimes called “green tomatoes”, they should not be confused with green, unripe tomatoes. (Tomatoes are in the same family, but a different genus.)

  3. yes they are green tomatoes. The fruit of the tomatillo is green and about the size of a large cherry tomato. The inside is white and meatier than a tomato. They grow to maturity inside of a husk. They can range in size from about an inch in diameter to the size of apricots. They are covered by a papery husk which may range from the pale green color of the fruit itself to a light grocery-bag brown. The husks are inedible and should be removed before use. They can be found fresh at a mexican/spanish grocery store or farmers market. Or canned in the hispanic food section at most markets, depending on where you live they might be in your regular produce section. : )

  4. they are a mexican fruit, green and tart in flavour, you can buy them from some,not all, supermarkets

  5. Most Spanish or gourmet stores will carry then, they are in most good salsas also — goood stuff. check out this site :
    Good luck with them and enjoy!

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