Green Tomato Chutney (Rickvanman’s Recipe)

Easy recipe for green tomato chutney. Not mine, I got it from Rickvanman and added chilli. Here’s the original video with end result footage. http://www.yout…

Question by dpbma: can you ripen green tomatoes in a brown bag?
I have loads of green tomatoes that are not going to get any bigger and it is getting cool enough I am afraid I will loose them before they get red. I heard you can pick them and put them in a brown bag and they will ripen. I have hugh clusters of them, what to do?

Best answer:

Answer by joy m
You sure can try it you’ll SEE! GREAT RESULTS

Add your own answer in the comments!

green tomatoes
Green Tomato
Image by Marisa | Food in Jars

More Green Tomato Articles


  1. yes you can ripen green tomatoes in a paper bag, but you don’t have to put them in anything, they will ripen on their own on your counter or even better on the window sill.

  2. Yes this is a great way to make fruit including tomatoes ripen.

  3. Well that is good question! For a long time I have been hearing about wrapping each individual green tomato, in newspaper, and then placing them in a cool dark place, like a fruit cellar, we have downstairs, and it works just great at Christmas time you have nice ripe red tomatoes.ofcourse you can look at them occasionally to see how they are doing. Now that we have learned from it I wrap them in the tissue paper such you see the fruit wraped in better fruit markets, and that to me is a better way then newsprint ink. Both work very well

  4. wrap them in newspaperfirst then put in the brown bag and store them in the basement! Yum enjoy!

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