Green Tomato Update 1 – Day 7

Just a quick follow-up on the Green tomatoes we put in a paper bag to force ripen them. Hope this is a blessing to someone. -Acres of Reed.
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Question by Erin S: what is a substitute for a green tomato, to make a chicken verde recipe?
the recipe asks to mix the tomatillo, cilantro, and garlic to the blender and pour it on chicken. Green tomatoes are out of season right now.

Best answer:

Answer by Kat H
You can get some in a can. They’re in the latin foods section of the grocery store. Or get some tomatillo salsa in a jar.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Recipe of the day peeps its very yummy charred crispy Sausage perfect green lentils with spiced tomato… – by jamieoliver (Jamie Oliver)

Plump Green Tomatoes
Green Tomato
Image by ejtman45
Tomatoes grown last year in my personal garden.

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  1. Can’t really think of a substitute…except for just under-ripe red tomatoes or jarred salsa verde.

  2. green chili sauce
    I think green enchilada sauce would work

    chili verde
    cube the meat, and sautee it in a bit of oil just to brown it. You can sweat some diced onions at the same time if you like. Then, the easy way to finish it is to open a can or two of green chile sauce, cover the meat with it, and simmer it (covered) for somewhere between 20 minutes and an hour. You can serve this on top of plain rice, which will pick up every last bit of the delicious juice, or you can wrap it in a heated flour tortilla with whatever other ingredients you use in your burrito. A little guacamole is good.

  3. Tomatillos (also known as ground cherries) and green tomatoes are two different ingredients. You can get canned tomatillos in the ethnic section of most grocers. You might also use avocado.

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