Greenhouse commercial Nature Fresh Farms Leamington Promotional video for Nature Fresh Farms in Leamington, Ontario shot by Delirium Media. This video shows the entire process, fro…

Question by emily.annex3: What to do with my Topsy Turvy Cherry Tomato plant once is gets cold outside?
Ok .. this is the first time I have ever “planted” (in quotes because I’m using a topsy turvy and they are not liked by many gardeners) any sort of vegetable. Now that the cherry tomato plant is starting to thrive and having tomatoes grow I am worried for it come fall/winter. What should I do with it once the colder months arrive?

Best answer:

Answer by Paul in San Diego
Tomatoes are annuals, which means they just grow for one season and then die. When it stops fruiting and starts to die, pull it and throw it away.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. If they ship more then a hundred miles away , it is fail, we cannot continue to produce goods from one place and ship 100’s if not 1000’s of miles away, until we find a sustainable , clean fuel source.We have 63 years left of easy oil then its done…think about it.(140 years if you count expensive and enviromentally wreckless fracking)

  2., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music., Your new place for friends and music.

  3. I’m not saying that this is organic, but hydroponics can be organic even though “chemical fertilizers” are used. Hydroponics can use naturally occurring chemicals that are already in soil to feed the plants, but in more concentrated states, that are diluted in the water. Chemical =/= synthetic or bad.

  4. Hell ya man.

    Organic > Hydro.

  5. low in cholesterol ahahahahaha, i did not hear this, plants makes cholesterol? ahahaham,

  6. so true then we wonder why the USA have the most cancer cases in the world

  7. First things first, You replied to me. Second, Good I feel the same. Third, I could care less what leamington residents think & I’m sure the small local farmers & business’s that got put out of buisness feel the same way!.. Instead of telling me about how much you Love nature fresh farms, You should tell them.Reply back to your hearts content & see If I reply.. Have a good day!

  8. You felt that you needed to comment. I really do not care what you think. I bet most Leamington residents are very pleased this business located there, especially the hundred or more employees

  9. What do you care what I think?

  10. Little jealousy there? This gentleman started this biz from scratch, nobody gave it to him. I buy 6 tomatoes for $1 at roadside stands operated by local farmers. You think that is premium? By the way, this farm donates 1000’s of pounds of produce to food banks.

  11. The PVC pipes often used, for example, leak plastic-like residues (and fumes I believe) into the water, which then the plants absorb. This is a known fact.
    Any construction plastic is toxic (and plastic is shown in the video).

    Besides this obvious inconvenience, as well as others, how does factory produced foods result in any lesser quality than that you may produce in your backyard? Mass producing could possibly even yield greater quality goods, that are less contaminated.

  12. Are you kidding? Well nature doesn’t grow in factory greenhouse’s with chemical fertilizers to MAXIMIZE PROFITS… P.S. These are just my opinions baste on my personal research, I encourage you to do a little research for yourself instead of taking some else’s word for it. Knowledge is power, take it back. Have a good day.

  13. Please explain how it is not to be considered organic?

  14. Its non organic, So who care? Well the owner, that’s who he’s making more money then he & family will ever be able to spend. Meanwhile We the consumers are still stuck paying premium prices so that all this non organic stuff, can get shipped out to us at our expense. That’s exactly why I started organic raised bed gardens to grow my own food that I can share with my friends&family.

  15. Thanks, PeprFly, for the excellent description of “sustainability,” which we are in the prep stages of growing food. Will take a look at “Geoff Lawton, Fresh the Movie, Permaculture.” I still have the question of what you meant by “Remarkable and Unsustainable” in your comment. Are you saying that this commercial greenhouse for Nature Fresh Farms isn’t a good idea?

  16. Catherine, great question! Quoting Wikipedia, “Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time.” Our current farming practices of “mono-cropping” have produced tasteless, nutrient deficient, insecticide-herbicide-fungicide filled produce that looks delicious. A massive amount of external resources required to get a worthless product, so do a search for Geoff Lawton, Fresh the Movie, Permaculture – God Bless!!!

  17. What do you mean “unsustainable?” Details, please, as I’m trying to grow “sustainable.”

  18. Remarkable and Unsustainable

  19. This is my dream setup

  20. I want a farm like that!

  21. Congratulations !!!

  22. awsome

  23. You will also have to empty the topsy turvy and clean with 10% bleach solution and put in new soil before using again.

  24. remove the tomato plant and germinate another plant indoors then when it gets time to replant put it in the topsy turvy.

    im not sure how soil holds up in cold weather i would remove the soil and store it somewhere warm

  25. Tomatoes are grown as annuals. Cold weather will kill it. Harvest everything you can when the weather gets cold and the plant starts to wilt, then remove the dead plant and spent soil from the planter. Save the planter for next year, add new soil and a new plant.

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