Grow TASTIER Tomatoes From Seed! Start an HEIRLOOM Tomato Garden!

How to Make and Organic Heirloom Tomato Garden and Growing Tomatoes from Seed! Started out in the greenhouse over winter, I started 6 different heirloom toma…
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Question by florida fan: what veggie grow best in mid summer very hot sun southern florida?
every summer when i try to grow tomatoes the hot sun does a job on them.any ideas,

Best answer:

Answer by alvinchipmonk
Check with your local feed and seed suppliers,in alabama i was able to get a indepth amount of information about planting dates ,fertilizers, soil conditining, all types of helpful info ,and the best part is it was free!

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. sorry to hear that I do hope next spring is kinder to all gardeners :)

  2. I have made the fertilizer in the past. But check out a company called Gaia
    Green, they have amazing organic fertilizer lineup. Thanks for watching!

  3. Your tomato garden us looking good. With the amount of digging I would say
    it was a dog that dug up your garden. Nice work with your plants and your
    irrigation system.

  4. Great video. Keep up the work

  5. Thanks for watching MIg, looking forward to your next video!

  6. hey really nice video! I loved this!

  7. Nice plants! Black krim are one of my favorite tomatoes. Did you buy that
    fertilizer or did you make it yourself?

  8. Nice job JJ. Those tomatoes look great. It sounds like you covered all the
    bases with the various fertilizer components.

  9. Thank you! I agree, most likely a dog! He must have smelt the bone meal!
    Appreciate the kind words, enjoy!

  10. ʘ‿ʘ

  11. Thanks Nery, glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for watching!

  12. I did not put any plants out until after May this year as spring was just
    too cold all over it seems. nice plants you have.

  13. 😉

  14. Thank you very much mhp! Appreciate the comments and support! The pepper
    seeds you gave me are starting to take off now! Thanks again!

  15. Yes I should have waited until June, as it was a very close call! I thought
    May 25 would have been safe. The local Nursery was said to throw thousands
    of $ of plant out from frost! Thanks for the Comment!

  16. By southern you must mean zones 8b to 10. The vegetables that I have found that perform best with temperatures above 85° are okra, crowder peas, eggplant, cherry or grape tomatoes. The tomatoes will grow very well. The Kentucky Wonder pole beans have been grown since 1864. Hope this helps you, regards

    ** Okra-February through May Crop-Clemson Spineless, Perkins, Dwarf Green, Emerald, and Blondy

    Tomato-Cherry and Grape varieties-make sure your loam has a 50/50 mixture for best results. Be sure to water 2-3 times per week.

    Yes, both tomatoes and okra grow very well in zones 8a – 10.

  17. Any kind of pepper, they love sun, and are perennials and will continually make fruits in hot sunny conditions! My favorite to grow are the chilipeppers. It almost looks like a miniature Christmas tree with long red bulbs! Another 2 favorites of mine that are fool proof include basil (it is so yummy in soup salad and sauce) and mint. Mint loves alot of water and alot of sun, give mint plenty of each and it will grow like crazy! Mint tastes great in teas and salads and in my case keeps my rabbity happy for months and months. Mint is his favorite green!

  18. Here’s a list of vegetables that grow best in the summer:

    French Beans
    Runner Beans
    Kohl Rabi

    Check out the site below for more details:

  19. Okra. Tomatoes don’t like temps much above 85 degrees.

  20. I used to have that problem to trying to grow tomatoes. I recently found an excellent tomato grower called Topsy Turvy, you may have seen it on tv. The Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter is amazing, in all my years of growing vegetables, I have never been able to grow such ripe tomatoes as I have with this product. I found a link to their website here if you want to check them out :

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