Grow Tomatoes Upside Down – Hanging Tomato Plants

Get more useful tips for growing tomatoes here Tomatoes have always been a hot favorite among vegetable gardening h…
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Question by Leigh: What can grow in a hanging planter?
I would like to have a a garden, but my two dogs would trample it when they are outside playing. I want to make salsa this summer so I would like to grow ingredients. Can everything that I want to grow survive in a hanging planter that is hung from my patio? I want to grow tomatoes, jalapenos, bell peppers, and cilantro. Thanks for your help!

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Answer by Colbi W

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  1. I would say as long as it gets the sunlight, water & nutrients that it needs that any of those plants should grow. Its definitely worth a try! Good Luck :)

  2. tomatoes
    bell peppers

    The short answer is no. Although you can buy porch variety tomato and pepper plants, most plants require at least 1ft cubed of soil to spread their roots. ( that’s 1ft X 1ft X 1ft) That much soil would be too heavy to “hang” and could easily get knocked down or cause damage during a moderate wind storm.

    …on the other hand, probably could grow in a hanging bed. Most herb plants don’t require too much soil and grow like weeds, you may have some luck with this one.

    Hope I helped.

  3. I work at a greenhouse.. A few years ago we tried putting a tomato plant in a hole in the bottom of a hanging basket and 2 pepper plants in the top of it. The tomatoes do fairly well.. however the peppers do not.

    They never fully develop and stayed about the size of a kiwi – They were supposed to be large bell peppers.

    The cilantro would do fine. But I say try the jalapenos too. It’s fairly inexpensive to buy the plants and materials. And you’ll have fun and a bit of knowledge from trying! Plus if you see them not doing well.. you could try planting them in the ground where your dogs couldn’t get at them?

  4. You can grow all off the plants you listed in hanging pots. I do it off my patio each summer and call it my salsa garden.

    Start by drilling a 3/4″ hole in the center of bottom of the pot. Hang the pot, and insert a Tomato plant upside down into the bottom of the pot. Gently pack dirt around the tomato root, and then fill with a good potting soil. In the center of the pot plant a pepper plant and then a cilantro plant near the edge of the pot.

    At first the tomato will grow sideways and try to grow up the side of the pot. As it gets larger, it will start to hang down and get bushy. Early Girl Tomato or Cherry Tomato work best.

    As the Cilantro matures, clip with scissors to slow the Cilantro going to seed. When the Cilantro is mature, plant a seed on the other side of the pot to ensure Cilantro all summer. Repeat on all four sides as needed.

  5. Yes as long as it gets 6=7 hours of sunlight and fertilizer for food crops.The bigger the pots the better.

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