Growing grape tomatoes at home from seed

A look at my grape tomato plant that I grew from the seeds of a plant that I bought at the grocery store.
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Question by TF: What plants can I grow together indoors in a 10 gallon pot?
My pot is 24 inches long and 9-10 inches deep. I’d like to grow cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and radishes. Which can I grow together, or should I not grow them together? And for this pot specifically, which plant(s) would it be most efficient for growing in it? (We bought it intending to grow tomatoes.)

Best answer:

Answer by Dee Con Gested
oooo yummy i want a salad now thanks! pass me the newmans own dressing if you would please!

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  1. how could i get some of your grape tomatoes “seeds” i’d love to get some i got or have cherry tomatoes i’m growing now. thanks Gerry

  2. For the second year in a row I’ve got some volunteer cherry tomatoes in one of my fig pots. I think they were one of those yellow varieties. I should dig them out and repot them since they’re competing with the fig.

  3. Thanks for the compliments. I know they were likely hybridized seeds originally, but how many times have you ever really had a bad tomato that you grew fresh? :)

  4. Cool! Glad they worked for you. They look perfect!

  5. I love these little tomatoes, they taste so good.

  6. Too small for cucumbers as they need plenty of room for the runners (vines for the cucumbers

    Pot is too shallow for Radishes.

    With this depth pot, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Lettuce will be
    able to grow.

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