Growing massive Tomatoes-Italian Tree Tomato- Fact or Fiction.

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Question by liz n: How do I prevent my tomato plant’s leaves from turning yellow?
I have been growing a tomato plant in a large pot for a few months now, and it is starting to produce tomatoes. But toward the bottom of the plant all the leaves are yellow. The plant gets plenty of sun and water. The soil is miracle grow vegetable potting soil. Is there something I need to change to make sure it does not die?

Best answer:

Answer by BabyDoll
it depends where u live. ur doing a great job of keeping it moist and enough sun. but some places cuz it’s too hot or cold the leaves itself, chose to lose nutrition.
u can cut off the leaves cuz it’s no use. and fresh ones will grow soon by it.
no worries, as long as u keep watering and give sun light and the tomatoes will grow.
if u can, if u eat rice. when u wash it, don’t just pour the rice water in the sink, pour it in a cup and water the tomatoe plant with it.
it’s full of nutrition and protein.
that’s wat i do with my plants and flowers. and they grow and spourt wonderfully

What do you think? Answer below!

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  1. Thanks for sharing this info. I would appreciate some pics as I am doing a
    second video.

  2. I just bought the same type of seeds I think but my seeds are not the same
    as yours the plant has grown to 45 or 46 inches tall and still growing and
    Im starting to have some tomato’s growing

  3. Yes! The birds really make my day.

  4. Thanks for the feedback. I’ll try that this Spring.

  5. Thanks Caroline-stay posted for more.

  6. Thanks for the feedback. My Beefsteak growing alongside did wonderfully.. (
    check the link in my description above but this Italian Tree tomato died on

  7. did you see the tomoato plant that mhpgardener put out in his green house
    it looks like the italian tree anad its live so you really see it growing

  8. Epsom salt is a good way to promote root growth rather than limiting water
    to a mature tomato. In hotter climates, limiting water without carefully
    watching the plant can cause shock through acute drought.

  9. I’ve ordered more seed from USA and will give it another go. Stay posted

  10. Could be……I’ll research a bit!

  11. This is a large beefsteak tomato plant I will try for the 1st time this
    year. The one pictured is quite possibly photoshop. I wouldn’t just add
    lime to the hole or sow direct because so much can go wrong with a
    seedling. They are like babies. They must be pampered at 1st. Although
    tomatoes would naturally love to have lots of water, rot and produce a new
    generation seedlings can easily be killed by too much water and I find
    adult plants do better by limiting their water. Make them dig for it.

  12. Love the parrots! You’re so lucky! LOL Please let this be a lesson for
    everyone about advertising. It seems to be a tradition in the fruit and
    veggie seed biz to “exaggerate” (LIE!). Most people who have been consumers
    of seed for a long time just know this and ignore the hype. But newbs don’t
    stand a chance. BUYER BEWARE! <3

  13. Yes….they are lovely…..these are totally wild but friendly.

  14. HI Mr Esat I just wanted to say hi from your student Lili

  15. This tomato plant can grow 15 ft tall but that is under ideal conditions
    with a deep bed. Beware though too much nitrogen to get to that 15 foot
    height can result in no fruit. The variety is indeterminate and many of
    it’s kind can grow 10 feet or more. I will try to grow one like a tree.
    However without a lot of support 1-2 lbs fruit will split the suckering
    vines. Any beefsteak variety can pretty much grow very well with full sun
    and lots of compost. Easy on the nitrogen though.

  16. good video mr. E from lachlan jones when is next video.

  17. Thanks for the info. For the average backyard gardener it’s quite time
    consuming. Many other species would do equally well in greenhouse
    conditions so it wouldn’t be special

  18. I’ve read that they grow in only cold climates

  19. Great video. I like the comparisons and parrot on your head ^_^ A future
    project of mine will probably try something like this as well.

  20. nice explaining mr e james again

  21. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks James.

  22. Hi Lili-hope ypu’ll try growing this tomato one day.

  23. Thanks Max. I have ordered more seed from a USA supplier and to be fair
    will give it another try. Stay posted.

  24. i had a bir d like that it talked he said talk to buddy but he was really
    high piched so we gave him to a friend I miss ole buddy loved your video
    peace :)

  25. Thanks for the comment…makes a lot of sense.

  26. do you give it tomato feed?

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