Growing Pepper Plants (Week 12) – With GIANT Tomato Wonders!

This week I give you detailed views of every plant I have growing right now! Enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Ha mikecoonhunter!

  2. Lovely looking plants
    What kind of soil/perlite do you use ?
    and by the way what cam ?
    thanks an keep on growing

  3. U know they make a thermostat to regulate heat mats. I just started growing micro greens super easy and good to eat. Plus some grow in cool colors like purple. 10 days and ur eating healthy stuff. Maby u like them too like the wheat grass.

  4. 12:39 Its a Übermonster!!! like if you know what im talking about haha

  5. Yep! :) I am currently hardening off all of my plants, and they will stay outdoors permanently in the next couple days!


  6. Have you tried to harden off any of your babies??? I am in the process of getting mines outdoors. Thanks for all your videos.

  7. I’m surprised the plants have to be started so early just to mature and start producing in time O.o Don’t let something like a short season deter you from growing what you like; that’s what plastic row covers/mini greenhouses/walls o’ water/anything else heat producing are for! 😀

  8. I live in northern wisconsin, so we all have to start our plants around february indoors. I can officially plant outside as of this week, so right now I have been hardening my plants outdoors, and we will be planting them in the raised beds in just a few days :)

  9. How short is your growing season that it’s too late to start them?

  10. if your peppers “stay low” as you say, then that’s a really good thing. stout, bushy growth is what you want with peppers – it just means the plants are very strong and have gotten enough light in the vegetative phase. a lack of light will lead to leggy growth. come more sun and higher temps, and i bet your plants will take off like mad. btw, growing 41 varieties on my balcony in central berlin atm, you can check out the updates on my channel. cheers from germany & much growing success to you!

  11. Its all good 😀

  12. I’ve been doing that with mine. I just don’t have their bed ready yet, so I have been picking off all of the flowers. I don’t want them to fruit until they’re in their final place.

  13. That tomato plant is doing really good! I had to put my peppers into my garden bed because they weren’t growing well in the pots I had them in either. I bet they will really take off in growth now! I can’t wait to see those chocolate ones you have…Those should be cool!

  14. time to get them outside already….it’s warm enough now without threat of frost…

  15. I’m sure there are some closet gardeners in your H.S. but they’d have to be as cool as you to admit it so……. who knows? maybe you could start a garden club? you only need a couple more people and you can already teach them a ton! Great vid… thanks for sharing!

  16. @jjoohhnnnnyybb Soon man, soooon, their next transplant are in my raised beds

  17. @StatenIslandSlim Oh no no I wasn’t coming off as pissed. Lol I just use tons of exclamation marks :)


  19. wow Chill next time I wont comment!

  20. Bro where did you get those Butch T seeds? I can’t seem to find any in my area. Also looks like those are ready for the raised bed :)

  21. ok awesome! Thanks Ray!

  22. I have the seeds for them but don’t really care to grow them since im too late to start them :) Thanks anyways!

  23. Thanks!

  24. Taking off the flowers is good if they are small. otherwise a small plant makes a small pepper. the bigger the plant, the bigger the pepper.

  25. Thanks bud!

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