Growing Single Stem Tomatoes Vertically in a Square Foot Garden

John from visits Tyler at Future Farms to see how he is meticulously training his tomatoes into a single stem. Tyler is farm…

Question by Eileen: Can i grow tomatoes Out doors In the north east of England or is it just to cold?
Can i grow tomatoes Out doors In the north east of England or will they not have a good produce because of the weather? any one tried this before who can give me an answer?

Best answer:

Answer by TJ
you will bwe just fine. go to local nursery and ask about planting dates. Good luck and I wish you a bountiful harvest!

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1 Comment

  1. I live in a poor climate for tomatoes and I have learned a few little tricks to get tomatoes.

    1) Try Cherry or Pear tomatoes as their ripening time is shorter. I cannot grow big baseball size tomatoes because our growing season is too short and the weather is not warm enough.

    2) Start seeds indoors. I wait until my baby tomatoes are a foot tall before I put them outside for a whole week (bringing them in for inclement weather) Once they have acclimated I plant them deep deep in the ground so the dirt come up to the first real leaves on the plant. (The little hair on the stem of the plant will turn into roots when buried. The transplant will set them back for two weeks while they build a new root base.

    3) Keep em short and let them hang. I plant them high and let the plant hang so none of the fruit drops and rots in the dirt.

    4) put chunks of 1″ cinderblock around the base (to keep the roots warm in cold climates (will also aid in fruit rotting because it touches ground.

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