Heirloom Russian black cherry tomato

A quick look at my favorite tomato variety that I grow. This one was grown from seed and started indoors just over 4 months ago.

Question by Joy in the Morning: Is it too early for my tomato plants to blossom?
My cherry tomato plant is only about 9 inches high, and already has three blossoms on it. My roma tomato plant is about 14 inches high and also has three blossoms on it.

Is it too soon for them to blossom? Should I pinch off the blossoms until the plants have gotten larger?

Best answer:

Answer by mommyof2beautyqueens
No, they are ready to produce some tomatoes. If you pinch it off, it may not bloom at all anymore. Just make sure you keep them staked and tied. I just planted my plants last week. They are only about 6 inches tall. You are way ahead of me. :)

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Best of luck with growing them! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

  2. They look wonderful!!
    I was at Comstock Ferre this weekend (they are owned by Baker’s Creek) and picked up a packet of these seeds! I can’t wait to try them!

  3. They look delicious!

  4. very nice

  5. Thanks alot! I highly recommend these tomatoes as they’re easy to grow, fantastic yield, and taste excellent.

  6. The tomatoes look great Steve. I hope they taste just as good.

  7. Don’t pinch them off. The plant knows when it is ready to blossom. I am in zone 7B and planted my tomatoes a month ago. I already have 7 tomatoes and lots of blossoms.

  8. I live in NC and I have 30 tomato plants and all of them have blooms on them, can’t wait for a tomato sandwich!

  9. If you have a standard cherry tomato plant that is 9 inches tall and it is already blossoming. You have a stressed out plant. They should not be flowering at this time. Get rid of these blossoms, If the plants are in pots, they are probably root bound.

    The entire reason veggie plants are there is to make seeds for the next season. That is what they are genetically programed to do. When they are stressed they will speed up the proccess to create seeds, which begins with a flower. Pinching them off will not keep them from flowering again, it will allow the plant to focus its energy on growing and not on making tomatoes. But first find out why they are stressed and fix that.

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