How does V8 juice work and Campbell’s tomato juice taste different

Tomato juice Made in Camden NJ Campbell’s Company.

Question by joe: Is tomato juice good for acne?
I heard that tomato juice is good for acne should i try it does anyone know what it does for the skin and why it is good for acne

Best answer:

Answer by Yusra Habbal
Yes, tomato juice is very healthy for your skin. The acidity in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. If you have mild acne, cut a tomato in half and apply the inside on your face. For severe acne mash a fresh tomato and use the pulp as a pack on the face. Leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off and moisturise. Do this on a regular basis or as many times as you can. Your acne is bound to dry off soon.

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1 Comment

  1. Tomatoes being rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin C&A are excellent solution for treating acne naturally. It works really well for people with oily skins as it controls the oil secretion and controls breakouts. Just like carrots you may add some raw tomatoes to your salads and also make a paste and apply on the skin.

    Tomatoes are a natural astringent and help to close the open pores of the skin that attract dirt and cause breakouts. It promotes cellular regeneration and keeps the skin glowing and clear from any blemishes and scars. Tomato works well with honey and both can be mixed to make a paste and applied on the face. Tomato and avocado mask is also one of the preferred treatments for getting rid of acne and maintaining a lovely naturally clear skin forever.

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