How to build a DIY self-watering container gardening system for growing tomatoes.

How to build a DIY self-watering container gardening system for growing tomatoes.

In this DIY project, I will show you how to build a self-watering container for your vegetable gardening. You can visit my blog to se…

Question by GIG: What did this guy mean when he said cut and “Clone” my tomato plants?
I had asked how to trim back my tomato plants and he said at the end to cut and clone them. What’s clone mean in reference to the stems I cut off of the plant? Does that mean stick them in the ground – plant the stems?

Best answer:

Answer by Auntie Anne Arkey
Tomatoes clone very easily. Just take the cuttings, trim off leaves so you have a node or two and just a few at the top. You can either stick them in water, or in, wet, puffy potting soil. Easily within 7-10 days you will have new plants. I do this every year — buy one variety and clone by other plants from it.

BTW…you do NOT need a rooting hormone for tomatoes.

What do you think? Answer below!

More Tomato Plants Articles


  1. Seriously? All this effort for one tomato plant?

  2. You will have a stronger plant with faster early growth if you bury them deeper than you did.

    Generally it is best to bury them even deeper than non-vine plants meaning deep enough the soil surface is above the cotyledons (first embryonic leaf pair) & barely below the next set of true leaves.

    The stem below soil level will start growing new root nodes all the way to the top where the soil is dryer, but also down lower faster to reach damper soil near the reservoir, a root superstructure.

  3. How much was the total build cost I love your set up and I am about use your version great work

  4. Where did you purchase the grommets from?

  5. the dogs like wat duh fuck you doin

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  7. You mean BLAMO!?


  8. Yeah… tomatoes…

  9. really good,will try it next season,thanks.

  10. shotgun

  11. I <3 this video! Thank you for sharing! I will definitely be trying this.

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  13. Two days later a damn deer ate it.

  14. This was the best and easiest video on making one of these types of containers. Only question; is it necessary to have the “weed barrier” for a potted plant?

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  16. Oh BTW…This is the best way to do this. trust me. I have tomato monsters because of this vid. Now, if there was a way to keep the squirrels out!

  17. Well done! Next season I will be trying this.

  18. Really great how-to video. Straight to the point, concise, informative, etc. Thanks for taking the time to show us how it’s done!

  19. Well, i love the way it was presented and done, and i will put it into practice, not to be over watered that also spoil the plants.
    Wish it works…..i look at it, there is no water on the upper layer of the mix, how is that, just the moisture is enough? Watering this way in daily basis or how, please….

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  21. wel done1 but why use still plastic into the soil…:-(

  22. I think the roots are through the pot, into the water and clogging my fill tube. Not much I can do about it now. Will have to see what happens and when I dump it in the fall I will see for sure what went wrong.

  23. Yes Joe, I thing you are correct about putting weed cloth over the pot. My tomato was growing great (Up to the top of a normal size tomato cage and full off blossoms). I was filling it up to the overflow hole every day with no problems. The last few days I noticed some of the leaves are turning yellow as they do when the plant is getting too much water. And I have been having trouble getting water to go down in the hose.

  24. Is “tomato” a euphemism for marijuana? Cloning is very popular with Marijuana growers, and to a much lesser degree with tomato growers.
    There are a lot of articles and any related to marijuana would work for anything else, but it is more of a process. you need to cut it from low branches in a particular way, then keep in water for 24 hours, then move to soil. This is a very brief explanation… you should read the link.

  25. I think on tomatoes the side branches are called laterals. You can carefully cut off the lateral, dip it in a rooting hormone, and then place in a medium and you will have a new tomato plant. Go on youtube and type in cloneing, there are tons of cloneing videos on that.

  26. Heres a helpful video that will show you how to take cuttings to regrow.

  27. Yes, the parts trimmed off can be planted in damp soil and roots will form along the stem, starting a new plant which is genetically identical to the original.

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