How To Can Homemade Tomato Soup – PROCESS QUARTS FOR 40 MINUTES!

NOTE – In the video, I said to process quarts for 20 minutes. I meant to say 40 minutes. *** There’s nothing better in the dead of winter than a bowl of …

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  1. What if you don’t have a pressure cooker? Can this be made in a regular hot
    bath canner? If so, for how long? Thanks.

  2. very helpful!!! Thanks!!!

  3. Looks delicious! I had a bumper crop of tomatoes this year, so i will be
    trying this! Thanks for sharing x

  4. WOW! I just tried this soup this week; it is great. I didn’t have any
    celery or carrots, so I used what I had. I sauteed 2 large onions, about
    3TBS minced garlic, 2 bell peppers, 2 pablano peppers, and a jalapeno
    pepper. Chopped it all up with an immersion blender and added it to about
    14qts. of tomatoes…Awesome. Though I think celery and carrots will make
    it even better. I drank some cold and it is very close to v8 juice. Next
    batch will have celery and carrots too. Thanx for sharing.

  5. It sure looks good. Maybe somehow I can get some more tomatoes and try and
    make some. Take care and keep up the good work my friend. Huggs!

  6. That looks awesome! My favorite soup other than potato. Thanks so much for
    sharing as I have never made homemade soup other than vegetable.

  7. Thank you so much KAZCRADUL for taking the time to answer my inquiry :)

  8. Thanks for sharing your recipe. My girls call it “Ketchup Soup” LOL Ketchup
    soup and grilled cheese is one of our families comfort foods, we eat it at
    least twice a month. I can’t wait until my tomatoes ripen so I can make my
    own soup.

  9. Loved your tomato soup video! I have a collection of old Ball Blue Books;
    one has a tomato soup recipe that has butter and flour which sounds like it
    may be quite similar to the Campbell Soup recipe. The books I have are
    dated from the 1940’s to current. Would you hesitate to use the recipes?
    The old books have a lot of recipes that sound delicious. I just wonder why
    the Ball Blue Book no longer includes them – I notice that after the 1980’s
    Ball Book, the recipes become pretty basic for ca

  10. excellent…saw your review on the Norpro and was hoping you would post
    your tomato soup recipe. Thanks so much! Will let you know how mine turns

  11. my mother canned tomato soup today 😮

  12. Katz, love your videos! Ur a world of info! I am new to canning, started
    after watching your videos. However I just have one question, have u ever
    used those plastic tattler canner lids? Since all i’ve seen are the metal
    ones, that’s what I been using. But wonder if the plastic is better. Just

  13. We made this today. It is now our favorite of all. Yummy! Thank you so much.

  14. lol!

  15. u said at the end you remove the ring so u can wash it? I’m confused? why
    would you open it and how does that store them away fr a long time. how
    come no hold grows in there since u left 1 nice of space? plz help

  16. I am going to try your recipe. It looks so good. I ordered a crate of
    tomatoes that I will pick up on Saturday. Thanks.

  17. Yummy. V-6 soup. Do you add cream/milk when you heat to serve?

  18. thank you for sharing will be trying this when i get some tomatoes mine are
    just starting to flower. Soon i will have fruit from them can’t wait :>)

  19. Great video! Thanks for sharing! I do have two questions for you. No one in
    my family are really big on carrots – is that something that can be
    omitted? Also after it has been canned, how long can it be stored? Thanks
    again – stay safe and best to you and your family!

  20. Hi Katz, thank you so much for the information. God bless u and your family

  21. Katz, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your wonderful sound
    advice! I learn so much from you, you also sage me so much time by not
    having to research all of theses things. Not that I dont but your thinking
    is so much like mine that many times you are the first place I go. Thank
    you again for all of your hard work!

  22. does it have to be pressure canned? im guessing because of the added
    veggies no but what if i add lemon juice?

  23. Recipe printed and placed in favorite binder! Now…if the tomatoes would
    just come on!! I LOVE tomato soup and grilled cheese in the winter…one of
    my favorite ‘comfort foods’!! Thanks for sharing this great recipe Katz!
    Can’t wait to get some in the pantry! PS…Great job PrepperA on that
    centerpiece – it was very pretty!! What a great way to showcase the bounty
    of the season! (((HUGS)))

  24. I will assume this can be eaten fresh, instead of canning it? Or does the
    canning process magically impart something that is required? Just curious…

  25. Thank you for responding! I have an abundance of tomatoes so I wanted to
    try a few new recipes; your recipe is already on my list :-) I canned
    butter after watching your video but wasn’t quite sure about the flour and
    butter in the Ball recipe from the 1940’s. Thank you again and God Bless.

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