How to cook Chicken with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Tarragon Jim demostrates how to cook Chicken with Sun Dried Tomatoes and Tarragon. To learn more check out an…

Question by ya boy rc: How often do you water tomato from seeds started indoors?
so im starting tomato and sqush seeds indoors before moving them outside in mid april. How often do you guys water them? i planted the seeds on march 29 and been watering it once a day. i planted them about 1/4 -1/2 inch deep.
i live in south NJ. our last frost is usually mid april. but i should wait until early may. i have them in plastic containers. i try not to overwater. the soil is wet but not filled in water. thanks for the answers guys.
my soil does have fertilizer. i do not use grow lights. latley there has been a lot of sunshine, i put it in front of my window with the window closed but sun goes though the windows and the soil gets warm during the hours the suns is up.

Best answer:

Answer by Marduk
Where do you live? April i is way too early here in CT. You water them if they seem droopy. Too much water and they will get a disease.

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  1. You should not leave them get droopy – a mistake here or there is ok, but consistently doing that will harm baby plants.

    are they in plastic pots or peat pots? if peat pots, you probably will have to water every day, and sometimes twice a day. Pick up the pots to see if they seem light, and that means they are dry and need water.

    Otherwise, I poke my finger in the soil a half inch, and if it’s dry, I water. After awhile, you just know.

    squash should not be moved outdoors until the nights are consistently above 50 degree F. I plant them out over a week later than tomatoes.

    When you are at the average last date of frost, check the long range forecast to be sure there isn’t a last frost. If all else fails, and a very late frost comes, you can cover your plants with buckets and the like.

  2. try every other day to see if they can dry out more. when they grow tomatoes is when you need to water every day to stop the skins from splitting. make sure they are getting light fertilizer unless your soil already has it.

  3. They need to be kept under a grow light. The warmer the soil the faster the plants will grow. I prefer to use the peat pods and plant the seeds 1/8 inch deep and keep the peat damp. The peat pods will produce much larger plants in less time. Light and soil temps are the secret. When placed outside the plants will not grow until soil temps reach about 60 degrees.
    I placed a few tomato plants(heirlooms) outside on March 4th and they did not grow a 1/2 inch until this week when outside temps reached the high 70’s. Now they are really growing. All so, the size of the pods you place the seeds in will effect the size of the plants.
    Keep the grow light 3 inches above the top of the plants and leave it on 24 hours per day.

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