How to grow 3 tomato plants in the space of one!

Easy demo on how to make a multi-stemmed tomato plant. This process allows three plants to grow in the space of one! Sturdy enough to withstand winds with no…
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Question by MARY: One of my tomato plants looks like it is wilting. What can I do for it?
I have two tomato plants. One is a Better Boy Tomato Plant and the other one is a Big Boy Tomato Plant. The Big Boy plant started wilting a few weeks ago. The other plant is doing great. The one that is wilting perks up during the night but wilts again when the sun hits it during the day. What could be causing this? I’ve stopped using Miracle Grow for tomatoes temporarily.

Best answer:

Answer by sis
May need more water. Otherwise look for small bugs on the bottom side of the leaves. Little green aphids may be on your tomato plant if so spray with pesticide.

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  1. The sun/heat may be too intense for it still. some shade could help him survive the intense heat. we usually prop boards securely to provide some protection when we transplant new plants to the gound, or if they start wilting. I don’t think stopping the miracle grow will help, you should probably resume your use of it to give more nutrients to the soil. do you water once a day? try watering twice a day if they seem extra thirsty and only water in the morning and evening when it is cool, so that the water will not burn the plant if it gets on the leaves.
    Good luck and hopefully your plant perks up soon!

  2. it is definitely a watering problem, also you should not be using miracle grow on tomatoes . If grown in compost you only need to start feeding when the 1st fruits start to set. And then only use proper tomato feed. miracle grow is great for green leaves , unfortunately you want red tomato’s. Also check your plant does not have a tie too tight around its stem, this will restrict the amount of water it can take up. On a hot day you should water twice a day with at least a gallon of tepid water . Are you using grow bags? biggest enemy of a strong tomato plants if used flat. i always cut the grow bag in half and turn the halves upright before planting tomato;s .this gives them twice the depth of soil.

  3. I know this sounds ridiculous, but water it.

    Water it in the morning if you live in a warm area. You don’t want water droplets all over it just to have the scorching sun use the waterdrops as mini magnifying glasses all over the leaves. :-)

    Water them every morning. Gage how much water you need by how wilted they are with X amount of water. When they aren’t wilted – then you know how much water you need. :-)

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