How To Grow Tomato Plants – Growing Organic Tomatoes

How To Grow Tomato Plants ? Find out here How to Grow Juicy Tasty Tomatoes Guide Tomatoes need full sun – make sure your…
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Question by Scarface Cat: Where are these mysterious tomato plants coming from?
monthly i pull out weeds from the garden and i always see tomato plants everywhere and im thinking this is stupid cos i dont have a veggie patch , none of my neighbours do, we dont put food scraps any where near the garden, so were are they coming from my thoughts were maybe birds were eating some tomato scraps and they happened to perch on the fence and some seeds intact fell from the tomatos or is it just a weed i dont want to eat the tomatos cos i dont know if they are the edible supermarket variety.

Best answer:

Answer by adc
It’s probably not tomato. Yes birds could be responsible for some, but not over and over and over again especially if there aren’t any being grown anywhere nearby. Try getting a plant book out of your library then maybe you’ll be able to identify them.

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  1. they are not tomato plants but a weed that looks like a tomato plant,,i have seen them many times as i have been a gardener for 50 years

  2. i get the same more likely seeded by birds i find them in my potato patch i have potted plants up and have got small tomato’s from plants. also tomato’s and potatoes are from the same family

  3. Your thinking about the birds is correct in the fact that they are probably the source. Tomatoes seeds are some of the few that can pass through an animals digestive tract and still germinate. The seed coat has inhibitors that can only be broken down by certain types of soil bacteria. Sounds like the birds in your area are feasting on tomatoes somewhere nearby and depositing seeds on your lawn. There is no reason that these tomato plants, if they are tomatoes, cannot bear fruit and be eaten.

  4. those are not tomato seedlings. they are from the trees around you. i get hundreds if not thousands of them every spring.

  5. ALL tomatoes are edible. Where they are bought or grown makes no difference

    Let one weed grow and see what happens.

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