How to grow your tomato plant upside down

Grow your tomato plant upside down! A great way to save space, have lovely tomatoes and some pretty flowers too! It’s easy and cheap, so no excuses if you th…

Question by Craig C: What is your definition of processed food?
My buddy Steve doesnt like to eat at the Old Country Buffet because he whines that it is processed food. To me everything is processed food. We grow tomatoes in a garden at home which goes through a process. We have to raise cattle for beef that goes through a process. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Hailee D
I classify processed food as anything that dosn’t come off of the animal or the plant. IE- Hotdogs.. It came from the animal, but it’s the stuff we aren’t -really- meant to eat.. if they have to grind it down so that I’ll eat it, it isn’t worth eating.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. As I grew my plants outdoors it didn’t matter as bees and other insects did
    the job for me and I had a really good crop of gorgeous tomatoes plus the
    added bonus of flowers on top. The flowers help a lot as they encourage
    bees to come to the plants and are then naturally drawn to the flowers on
    the tomatoes.

  2. well arent you growing the plant upside down so the usual is the male
    flower will be at the end of the plant. so the usual method of giving a
    wiggle for upright plant doesnt apply here. since the pollen of the male
    wont set of the other fruit bearing flowers. its just a q ? i am just a
    starter in tomato plant growing say 2 months

  3. how do you pollinate the flowers ?

  4. I like your style, keep it up!! Looking forward to your updates. Cheers.

  5. Hello Anand. You don’t have to as the bees or other insects do this for
    you. If you are going to grow them indoors, use a very soft artist paint
    brush and take the pollen from one plant and pass it on to the others, much
    the same way as bees would. Once you see small fruit growing make sure you
    feed the plants with a tomatoe feed. Good luck Kind regards Annette

  6. Your buddy Steve is talking about food that is excessively put through a process that preserves it and gives it a longer shelf life. Food that is heated to high temperatures, has chemical additives (or even excess salt), and sealed is highly processed food. The tomatoes that are grown in your garden, pretty much get that way through nature. You put the seeds in the ground, (depends on the natural state of your dirt, you might have to process or prepare that to be a good medium for growing). You water, give it light, and hopefully don’t have to do pesticides. Then when the tomatoes are ripe, you just pick and eat. That’s about as natural as you can get. Processed foods go through that process and then some so that there’s time to get the foods trucked to the supermarket and wait on the shelf for you or I to pick up buy, store in our pantry for who knows how much longer, and finally eat. If you did nothing to your tomatoes after picking them, they’d last about a week at the most. Some of the processed foods that we can buy can last for years.

  7. it is all the stuff which is canned, not fresh, frozen foods and packet foods. I prefere eating something fresh.

    fishfingers came to mind. i prefere seeing a fish, with the head and everything rather than those good looking, fish, coted in batter and crispy shell.

  8. processed food is food products that are not usually just what they are labled to be. There are many additives to make the food last longer and or taste better as it is just part of what they tell you what it is. Through a process ,it loses it’s reality and becomes something that taste good but is no longer what it was when it first started……. got it??? … 😉

  9. Convenience/processed food refers typically to a complete meal that has been (pre-) prepared commercially and which requires no or very little preparation by the consumer. Ready-made meals are often blamed for obesity, due to their high fat, sugar and salt content. Besides, such foods are often made with class B agricultural produce, and sometimes contain genetically modified ingredients. Additives (preservatives) are also regularly used to improve shelf life. The potential effects that these substances may have on long-term physical health and society could be worse than we think.

  10. We eliminated processed food from our diet as well. Processed food has preservatives, & artificial ingredients. They also have hydrogenated oils & high fructose corn syrup. Both of which I believe to be the cause of Americas obesity problem. We own a restaurant & our suppliers have a line of products only available to the USA because most other countries have banned the use of hydrogenated oils & high fructose corn syrup. We also use only organic dairy & produce. By making these changes we were able to remove our son from all 7 of his asthma meds!

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