How to Make Spaghetti Sauce From Cans of Tomato Products : Spaghetti Sauce

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Question by thejanuaryfall: How do I make pasta sauce less acidic?
I know about adding sugar to balance the taste of the acidic tomato sauce, but how do I prevent from making it too sweet?

Best answer:

Answer by TX2step
Put in some grated carrots ….. they have natural sweetener to counteract the acid in the tomatoes. They will also act as a slight thickener, and you really can’t taste them in the sauce

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  1. you are right

  2. stupid fool ugly pitch

  3. i couldn’t find any basil in my markets and the veggie market is too far
    can i still do it without basil?

  4. thank god for the internet

  5. thank god for the internet

  6. First

  7. You should of take off your ring when breaking down tomato sauce..

  8. he looked so happy breaking up those tomatoes.. but theywere a nice color

  9. GOOD, let me go try it now. Thanks that was very simple.

  10. just add a pinch of sugar. And to be honest – it doesn’t matter if it is a little sweet. Sugar goes nicely with tomatos. Try tasting it and adding a little at a time. If it becomes to sweet just add some more salt to the mixture.

  11. I agree. Sugar.

  12. add a little butter

  13. You can experiment with a little chemistry, try adding a little sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) , 1/4 teaspoon at a time ’till you’ve reduced the acidity to as low as you like.

  14. I always add sugar!!!!!!!!!

  15. little bit of white vinegar

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