How to make Tomato paste or sauce from dehydrated tomatoes

I wanted to make a recipe that needed tomato paste or sauce and I wanted to use my dehydrated tomato powder. I searched for a recipe to do it and I got nothi…

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  1. Thank you I have been looking for this.. :)

  2. This is great! I’ve been wondering how to make my own. And what is that jar

  3. LOVE seeing how to use all this stuff im dehydrating ! …lol

  4. Yep that’s how I do it too! I’ve only made tomato soup with my tomato
    powder and I also dry green onions and a little galic with mine. When I am
    on the trail I boil a cup of water and put about 2 table spoons of powder
    in the water and OMG it make the best tomato soup, to die for! I’ve not
    tried to do sauce yet but it would be easy enough! Try the soup Joe, it’s
    so good! I should do a vid right?

  5. Thank You, the jar trick is awesome isn’t it? I love doing it like that, is
    saves on having to wash the blender out every time you want to grind
    something up. Using the dehydrated tomatoes to make your own paste and
    sauce is really nice when your going to make chili or something and your
    part way through and realize you do not have everything you need. Thanks
    again. Joe

  6. I have all these dried tomatoes that I am not using so, I will try this.
    You vid was the second one on how to make tomato paste. The other one was
    how to make Italian Tomato Paste. I like yours because it’s quick, to the
    point, and so, so easy. I posted your vid on my Pinterest channel. Cheers!
    And thank you for this vid. :)

  7. Very, very useful information. Thanks for posting this!

  8. Thanks for sharing Joe. I’m sure this will help someone out there ;-)) Take
    Care my friend :-))

  9. @AjPrepper Thanks AJ I know it was like Really?? 7 billion people on the
    planet and no one has a video on how to make it, haha Then I was thinking,
    why is everyone making tomato powder if we dont know what to do with it
    except it looks pretty in a jar on the shelf. I am sure most just know how
    to do it but there has to be a couple out there like myself that have no
    clue. I know next time I have to make it I will have to watch my video so I
    remember which is which lol. Thanks again. Joe

  10. I dry tomatoes but I had not thought of grinding them for sauce or paste.

  11. Excellent! Thanks!

  12. Greetings from NC! I was trying to find this very thing and look who popped
    up YOU! What type of blender do you have? I need a new one and I love the
    mason jar attachment. Could you PM us? I know you can’t comment right now.
    We are having the same problem but with limited sites. Go figure:)

  13. awesome was gunna do it today but my mixer broke

  14. Thank you, its not an attachment, just take any old non wide mouth canning
    jar and the bottom of your blender will screw right on it, it saves alot of
    cleaning because you don’t have to clean the blender top everytime you use
    it. Thanks again. Joe

  15. Thank you for the nice comment, and I am so sorry it took 3 weeks to reply,
    I mean I have been busy but not THAT busy lol. This comment didn’t show up
    on the inbox page so I happened onto it just now while looking at the video
    page. I have had to watch my own video a couple times so I can remember
    which is the paste and which is the sauce lol. Thanks again. Joe

  16. Thanks for sharing. We will all be eatin’ good in the neighborhood with
    what you teach us.

  17. What a great comment, I was exactly the same, I was looking everywhere and
    thinking “cmon people, I know I should know this but I don’t, and its
    probably common knowledge but it obviously isn’t or it would be here” lol,
    so I made the video. Thank you again, I had to watch it again myself twice
    to remember what I had to do when making a recipe lol. Thank you. Joe

  18. Thank you!

  19. Thanks Joe, thats a cracking bit of info to have. Cheers bud

  20. Thanks for doing this video. Yours was the only one that I could find that
    explained how to make tomato paste. Simple stuff. Thanks for the

  21. Exactly what I’ve been searching for!!

  22. Thanks Lulu, its pretty easy and works really good. Thank you for posting
    the video, I appreciate that you did, I have tons of tomatoes this year in
    the garden and I think I will be making some more of this once I am sick of
    canning them. Thanks again. Joe

  23. Wow.. thank you, I would have gotten just as frustrated when I started to
    look! lol Aj

  24. I’m going to do this. I love the jar trick. I’m also doing jalepenos.

  25. awesome thanks

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