How to make upside down hanging tomato plant buckets for cheap part 1.

How to make upside down hanging tomato plant buckets for cheap. garden gards, potato, tomato, plant, planting, harvest, garden, gardening, square foot garden…

Question by ODarius: Can you use 2 different types of miracle grow plant food on weed plants?
I know someone that’s growing some and they asked could it be done. I have no idea if so, so I searched all online and found Nuthin so I’m wondering can it b done? For example miracle grow tomato plant food one week and miracle grow organic choice all purpose plant food another week. And just keep switching out every other week. Also can they be combined into the same mixture of water for plant food?

Best answer:

Answer by dandantheshinnyman
Yes to both. You can use different kinds but its best to stay with the all purpose. Although it is just a weed, it is a delicate one to grow sometimes. And yes you can add it directly to the water if hydro-ponics is your thing. But don’t forget the leach time.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Thanks… Im very excited to upload the cucumber tree and bucket wall very soon….

  2. Very cool. I like that you use the top of a pop bottle to hold the plant in place. Also excellent tip about growing herbs in the top.

  3. This is cute. Cool, informative. Thanks for sharing.

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