How to Plant Tomato Seeds Indoors

How to Plant Tomato Seeds Indoors

Don’t be intimidated by planting tomatoes from seed. In this video, I’ll tell you the advantage of doing so and show you how easy it is to start tomato seeds…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by : My tomato plant is not growing tomatoes?
It is the middle of August and my tomato plant has not grown any tomatoes. It has been growing very tall and flowering but that’s it. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
Thank you so much….I am new at this so it is a good learning experience. Now my husband might stop getting on me about it…LOL

Best answer:

Answer by Nena
The flowers need to be pollinated. Get a small paint brush (the ones used for art or watercolors) and touch the middle of each flower to pollinate them. Then just water as usual.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Hello everyone! Planted some tomato seeds indoors to get ready for the
    spring – I can’t wait until I can taste those homegrown tomatoes again!
    Its easy to plant tomatoes indoors and I love all heirloom varieties and
    colors that you can’t get when you buy the plant starts.
    What variety of tomatoes are you planting/growing?

  2. +Sam Flores – Could not reply to your post directly – hopefully you see
    this. Its approx a week until germination in the warm weather we have
    here. I water them if the soil looks and feels dry when I stick my finger
    in it. Might be different for you depending on how warm your house is.
    Good luck!

  3. excellent video kim! You are going to have a wonderful garden this year. I
    can’t wait to get growing with you!

  4. Great video Kim! I’m so excited to get my seeds started! I still have
    another month of cold weather..thanks for sharing your tips!

  5. Hey Kim !!! Hey to C.G. !!! Hey to the Family !!! I Love all your Tip
    Videos !!! I can’t wait to see your Awesome Tomato Yield , and I can’t Wait
    to See some of your Recipes you Whip Up with your Fresh Tomatoes !!! As
    Always Kim Outstandin Video and Camera Work !!! 

  6. Excellent how-to +CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY ! It’s great that you are
    growing so many varieties!

  7. You will love the San Marzano! I grew it 5 years ago and the shape is neat!
    Good tip to remind viewers (who may be on the public water system) to allow
    the chlorine to evaporate before using it on their plants. 

  8. Hi Kalikim, I always look forward to your videos and today I am going to
    share this one over at my Happy House & Garden community. Nice to here you
    talk about planting new varieties, I just started a range of heirloom
    cherry Tomatoes, they just come out of seedling stage!

  9. Lots of good information.

  10. Aw, +CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY! Thank you for the mention:) I hope the
    seeds do well for you! I’ll be planting some of the same tomatoes so it’ll
    be fun watching the progress of your plants!

  11. Nice presentation and great information about *how to start your tomato
    seeds indoors*. I’m going to have to get going with this project soon
    myself :)

  12. As you, I can`t wait for eating a fresh, homegrown tomato again. :)
    However, I cant start up my main crop before march arrives, due to the late
    plant out date. (Middle of june)

    Best wishes,

  13. Thanks, Kim. I like the top of the refrigerator idea.

  14. Nice video, CaliKim29. I’ve saved my tomato seeds every year to start the
    ones I like best the next year so I don’t need to go pick up seedlings from
    a store. Glad to see you promoting this economical and fun idea.

    A couple of points I’d like to make (more enhancement to what you said
    rather than any new information):
    * Make sure you’re using good, “clean” soil and not soil from your garden
    where tomatoes or peppers grew last year. As the plants decay, they can
    promote a disease that can attack the young plants the next year. And when
    setting them out in your garden, make sure to “rotate” where you plant
    tomatoes and peppers to not plant them in the same spots each year for the
    same reason.
    * If you start to see a white fuzz grow on the soil before or right after
    the seeds sprout, you can help them avoid “damping off” (the seedlings
    dying before they get going) by spritzing them with a weak mixture of white
    vinegar and cinnamon. Covering them to retain and even out the moisture is
    a good idea in dryer climates, but the damping off fungus can grow more
    easily when there is no air movement.
    * Your putting them on top of the refrigerator has specific advantages you
    allude to but I’d like to stress — warming from the bottom seems to really
    increase the success rate of sprouting. I used to have sporadic luck but
    since I did get grow lights, I always start them off on the shelf ABOVE the
    light (where they benefit from the warmth from below) and get much better
    germination rates as well as more rapid early growth. Once they sprout, I
    put them under the lights.

    As to your question about what varieties people are growing, I have about
    10 cherry size varieties I keep every year: Yellow and red globe style,
    yellow and red pear shaped ones, a “chocolate” (deep brown) cherry, a
    red/yellow variegated cherry, a white cherry, Sun Gold, one that grows sort
    of torpedo shaped and one that is almost square. (Can you tell I’m fond of
    cherry tomatoes? ) This year, I’m also going to try Cherokee, Black
    Trifele, Hillbilly Potato Leaf, Black Sea Man, Black from Tula and Indigo
    Rose, the last four having been given me by a friend during our holiday
    gift exchange. Should be a fun year! I have to wait for about another month
    and a half, though, living here in Denver with a 95% confidence last frost
    date of May 19th.

    Good luck with yours! 

  15. *Great Video* by +CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY about *Planting Tomato’s

    *I’m just a bit jealous of you* for having such an awesome window filled
    with Sun! :) Really though, I don’t have that so I was forced to build the New
    Grow Room. It’s ok, maybe someday we will both have massive outdoor
    greenhouses! lol

    *I need to try* planting my seedlings in solo cups like that, really good
    idea, I like it. I also like how you use the tin foil pans which is super
    easy and cheap too. All very good ideas and nicely produced, give you hubby
    a big thumbs up!

    *Thank You For Awesome Content!*

    #HowToPlantIndoors #PlantTomatoSeedsIndoors #HowToPlant 

  16. Sweet…I could only sigh for now…its minus 7 here in MN still a month
    more to wait till I start mine. I still have to sort what I will plants as
    far as tomatoes…definitely some good tasting dwarf varieties on the list
    plus some unusual ones. Happy growing everyone.

  17. Hi Kim, I use popsicle sticks in my styrofoam cups, that way I can reuse
    the cups without confusion. I use to label the cups then would get mixed up
    when I tried to use them again. You can get a huge box of popsicle sticks
    for cheap at walmarts plus when you transplant them you can put them in
    your garden to remind you what they are. Hope that helps! Happy Gardening!

  18. I have tomato plants from last year still growing and producing. I’m in
    southern Calif. One year I put up green tulle (the fabric used for veils)
    over my plants to keep the birds away. That year I forgot to remove it and
    the plants were doing great even during the winter. It must work like a hot
    house. These plants were also next to a wall so I’m sure that added to the
    warmth. I have three tomatoes growing right now! Ah gotta love California

  19. Here in NJ I’m planting “cold loving crops” indoors, today, under
    fluorescent lights. It’s still early (considering my location) but I have
    an itch that must be scratched. Kim, I look forward to seeing garden
    2014!!! Please, keep up the good work!

  20. I like the way you plant. 3/4 way up, great idea!

  21. How to Plant Tomato Seeds Indoors

  22. San Marzano and Roma EF Plum tomatoes are the best 2 for soups and sauces
    … a very nice yellow cherry is IDLL you get hundreds on a plant

  23. Oops just found out it is tulle… The fabric veils are made of, I buy
    green and it must be working like a green house. Also I open in the day
    time to let the bees in.

  24. Yep. Finally raining good here.

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